Anyone know the best place to purchase leather purses, wallets, etc. in Florence? Not necessarily designer, but also not cheaply made.
I'm a sucker for good purses!
i, for one, had great luck checking out the various stalls/booths that line the streets;forget the higher priced feet were KILLING me [cobble stones, every place had stairs, usually marble, LOT of walking] i took a chance buying leather sandles which WORKED somehow, for 18 euro. i am still wearing them at home, and it was a great buy!
All of the markets in Florence have a great selection and do not be afraid to bargain for a cheaper price. Chances are if you see something at one stand, you'll be able to find it elsewhere. I did find out that most of the people selling at the markets are not Italian. Not that it matters.
The San Lorenzo the area around the San Lorenzo church on Via del Canto de Nelli, Via Sant Antonino, etc. Don't hesitate to haggle, and don't hesitate to walk away if you think it's too much. Hundreds of places, starts around 9 am.
Two suggestions - The leather stalls at the Central Market have a wide selection, plus you can compare prices easily as a starting point. You should have some knowledge of what to look for in stitching, lining and leather. Then be prepared to bargain - even over the course of an afternoon or a couple of days.
The second place is the leather school inside Santa Croce. Very well made and unique items.
Hi, Amanda.
One good place to buy leather purses in Firenze (and lots other cool schtuff!) is at Mercato Il Porcellino (The little pig market). It's not far from the Duomo, and trust me... you'll know it when ya see it! :-)
They don't bargain as much as they used to, but you should be able to get a pretty good deal.
Have fun shopping!
I bought a beautiful black leather purse at the stalls near the Central Market. I bought several other items and was given a special discount, so there is a bit of negotiation room.