Can a combined Bus & Vaporetti Pass be purchased at the Venice Airport(Marco Polo) for 3 days? Thanks for the help.
Yes, get the 72 hour vaporetto plus airport RT. The vending machines are outside on the island for the No 5 bus to Piazzale Roma in Venice where you can transfer to the vaporetto. 43 euro.
Thanks, Sam, for the help. That eases our minds on the details.
You may find that the vending machine outside won't accept your American credit card. (And don't let the guy standing near the machine help you. He just wants you to give him money in exchange for his "help.") There's a ticket window with actual humans just inside the airport entrance with a line that moves pretty quickly. You can buy your pass there.
And don't forget to validate your pass by tapping it on the pad EVERY SINGLE TIME you use the vaporetto.
Actually, the uniformed helpers at the vending machines at Venice Airport are not scam artists, unlike the Milan Metro. Here is a step by step article about using the vending machines.
I agree that if they're uniformed they're legit, but your American credit card is not likely to work in those machines.