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Bus trip from Siena to Rome

When traveling from Siena to Roma, is the bus the best means? Do we need to buy tickets in advance and where can I find info about buss schedules? Thank you, love your dvd's!

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32404 posts

Robert, While you can travel by Bus on that route, my preference would be train. If you use Bus, you may arrive at Roma Tiburtina (which isn't a problem) rather than Roma Termini. If travelling by train from Siena, you'll have to take a Taxi or Bus from the town to the rail station, which is at the bottom of the hill (I normally use Taxi as it's not really that expensive). The trip will be about 3 to 3.5 hours and there will normally be one change at either Firenze SMN or Chiusi-Chianciano Terme. If you decide on travel by train, be sure to specify Roma Termini as your destination. If you'd rather take the Bus, travel time will be about the same. You can obtain more details at Happy travels!

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4535 posts

The bus, as noted above, is direct with no stops and it also has more schedule options. I always recommend the bus for those reasons. You can buy bus tickets the day of your departure, or a couple days in advance from the bus station ticket office. Apparently there is now an escalator that leads up from the Siena train station to the city center, but the bus drops you off very conveniently right near the center of town.