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Bus tickets from Cortina d'Ampezzo to Lago di Braeis on 5 Sept 2023

Is it possible to buy the bus tickets online for travel in early September? I know the bus routes are #445 (Cortina d'Ampezzo to Toblach, Busbahnhof) and #442 (Toblach, Busbahnhof to Pragser Wildsee). I have read that bus #442 must be booked in advance. I have been unsuccessful in my attempts so far. If not are there any other possible solutions? I have tried this site and it fails when I try to book ( Any suggestions are appreciated.

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Thank you for the information.
Now I need to figure out if the bus 445 from Cortina d'Ampezzo to Toblach, Busbahnhof, can also be booked in advance online.
I appreciate the help!