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Bus service from Lugano to Menaggio

Can you tell me if there are frequent buses from Lugano to Menaggio and where we locate the departing bus(es) in Lugano? Thanks.

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I took the bus from Menaggio to Lugano and back, in 2007. I don't know the schedule and don't know if it's available online. I had the impression there was a bus every hour or two during the day. Starting in Menaggio, the bus goes from near the TI in Menaggio, and then kinda drops you off a few blocks east or northeast of the part of Lugano that is centered on the lake--but not at a bus terminal. Everyone from Menaggio got off the bus at this point, I got the impression it was the end of the line and that the bus did not continue to a bus terminal in Lugano. I got back on the bus at the same point. I suggest you inquire at one of the TI's in Lugano when you get there.