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Bus schedules in/out of Florence

Heading back to Italy in a few weeks and will be in Florence as a base for six of the nights. We have the train system down from our first trip but this time we will be using buses to do day trips to Siena, Pisa, etc.

Having a little difficulty understanding the bus schedules going in and out of Florence. We figured out what bus to take to Siena from Florence but wanted to take a bus from there to San Gimignano and then back to Florence but can't seem to figure it out. Does anyone know what busses we would need to take? Or, at least know an easy to read schedule where we could figure it out on our own? Many thanks!

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You want to go from Siena to San Gimignano? Did you play around with directions on Google maps?

It appears that most routes go through Poggibonsi - and it may be faster to take the train from Siena [and many of these trains go on to Firenze]. Then connect to the bus - 130? - to San Gimignano.

Of course that would mean getting to the train station in Siena - which has been well covered here as being less convenient than bus in Siena.

Or take the 131 bus from Siena to Poggibonsi, then the 130 to SG.

To get back to Firenze, one would think that you'd go by bus back to Poggibonsi, then catch the train to Firenze.

Edited to add: the bus agency for Siena appears to be:

Seems like a lot of ground to cover in a single day out.

At the risk of being vilified here, you might check out the much-despised Rome2Rio - not for actual timetables, but just to see what options they think are available. Then go to a trusted source to verify and work out details.

2nd edit: why are you contemplating a bus to Pisa when there are numerous trains from Firenze?