Can someone confirm that bus 53 follows this route in the direction of Mancini (stop numbers included)?
Colosseo (MB)70340
Fori Imperiali 70341
Fori Imperiali/Campidoglio 70342
Corso/SS. Apostoli 70599
Corso/Minghetti 73888
L.go Chigi 70600
Tritone/Fontana Di Trevi 77877
Tritone/Barberini (MA) 70601
Barberini (MA) 70886
Veneto/Emilia 70603
Boncompagni/Abruzzi 73518
Piemonte/Boncompagni 73522
Puccini 73526
Pinciana/Museo Borghese 73529
I got this information from the Autobus Roma app. I found conflicting information on a Rome bus map website, so I would like to know if the app information is correct.