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bus route/line 53 in Rome

Can someone confirm that bus 53 follows this route in the direction of Mancini (stop numbers included)?

Colosseo (MB)70340
Fori Imperiali 70341
Fori Imperiali/Campidoglio 70342
Corso/SS. Apostoli 70599
Corso/Minghetti 73888
L.go Chigi 70600
Tritone/Fontana Di Trevi 77877
Tritone/Barberini (MA) 70601
Barberini (MA) 70886
Veneto/Emilia 70603
Boncompagni/Abruzzi 73518
Piemonte/Boncompagni 73522
Puccini 73526
Pinciana/Museo Borghese 73529

I got this information from the Autobus Roma app. I found conflicting information on a Rome bus map website, so I would like to know if the app information is correct.

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11852 posts

Looks good to me, but I did not verify all of your stop numbers. Here is the link to the 53 on the ATAC Rome website which is official. However, buses often go on temporanea routes because of road work or other "events" that interrupt the route, so one never knows.

FWIW we like the PROBUS application on our phones. Note, though, that the ATAC feed of bus arrival information -- whether to PROBUS or their own feed -- can be misleading. It tells you when buses are arriving (if the GPS is working) but that does not mean they are in service. You may see on the app two #53s arriving at say 5 minutes and 10 minutes, then all of a sudden only one is left at 6 minutes because the first one went fuori servizio a stop before it got to you. I could tell you bus stories!

If you are going Colosseo to the Borghese, you can also take the Metro to Barberini and walk 15 minutes to the gallery.

Buon viaggio!

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109 posts

Thank you for the information. Our trip is coming up soon.