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Bus or Train from Rome to Siena?

In reading RS Italy it looks like travel time from Rome to Siena might be better by bus than train. Travel time on the bus is listed @ 3hrs whereas train takes one change & takes 3-3 1/2 hrs. Input?



Posted by
16238 posts

There are buses from Rome Tiburtina station to Siena operated by Sena (Baltour Group). I've used that company before, but not in that segment. IMO it's probably more convenient than the train option for Siena. They handle your luggage (which goes under the belly of the bus) while on the trains you are on your own with your bags.. Buses are new and comfortable (like an airplane ride) and there are no changes to make (unlike the train). And the trip is less than 3 hours all the way up to Piazza Gramsci in Siena, on top of the hill right next to the historical center.
I would take the bus.

Posted by
23 posts


Great! That's exactly what I needed to know! I'll take the bus.

Again, thank you for responding!


Posted by
1558 posts

Another advantage to the bus is that it drops you off in town. I believe the train stops below and you need to take a taxi oor possibly but. Of course, this is assuming that you're staying in the old town.

Posted by
86 posts

Carol is correct. The train station is not conveniently located to most of the sites in Siena. We took the bus and found it to be convenient.