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bus or train from Taormina to Catania?

We (two of us) will be travelling from Giardini Naxos (very near Taormina) to Catania in mid October 2024. I have heard that the buses are more reliable than trains in terms of timetables. The Interbus website shows that the bus trip will take 55 minutes or one hour, depending on the departure time. We plan to leave Giardini Naxos around 8:30 am, stop in Catania for 3 hours, then continue to Siracusa by train or bus. Any advice from your personal experiences with bus or train trips (Giardini Naxos/Taormina to Siracusa) would be appreciated!

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596 posts

We took the train from Taormina straight to Siracusa in April, so I can't entirely answer your question. It was on time, but felt slow with stops. We did take the bus from Siracusa to Palermo and it was reliable, left entirely on time. For the small buses around Taormina though, there seemed to be some delays. Taormina is high up a windy road, and it seemed that they got caught up in traffic at times. If you are taking one to get somewhere give yourself plenty of wiggle room.

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490 posts

Thanks to Lisa (a fellow Canuck :) ). I was leaning towards taking the bus because there is a departure scheduled every half hour; trains are less frequent...