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Bus or Train from Assisi to Rome

Which way is the fastest way to travel from Assisi to Rome - bus or train? Do both run continuously all day between the two cities? How long does it take and approximate cost? I need to alert my Inn in Rome with the time I will arrive from Assisi. So, any help you can give me is appreciated. Thanks!

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I'm sure there must be some "Pilgrim Express" bus, but the train is fast and easy. The fastest way is probably via Foligno. Some don't even require a change in Foligno and it's a 2 hr to 2.5 hr trip altogether for about €10 (€9.90 to be exact) with a Regionale. But there are options also via Terontola that take a little longer. If there is a regular bus, it's probably comparable in price and travel time. Train schedules are below: