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bus or car-pickup to go from Naples to Bari?

This fall we're going to be going to Bari & vicinity. We want to have a car in the Bari region, so the options are get the car once in Bari or partway there. There are some 4-hour train trips from Rome to Bari, but unfortunately they leave before we're in Rome or hours afterwards. So the train Rome -> Bari seems to be out.

Arriving in Rome, tentative plans are to take the train to Naples and then either a bus to Bari, or ride the Circumvesuviana out of Naples to a smaller town and pick up the car there. Does anyone have experience with either of these options and can tell us how it worked out for you?

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Mike, this is not exactly answering your question, but have you considered collecting the rental car at Rome airport? It's a shame that the train times don't suit - it is a pretty, and relaxing trip. I think that buses between Bari and Naples are thin on the ground, and with the train trip before, would make or a longish day. Also...consider storing the luggage at the station and do some relaxing wandering around Rome until time for the next train.
In Bari, car pick up is easier from the airport. Alternatively, stop at Foggia. There is a car rental just around the corner from the station. Pat