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Bus from Sorrento to Rome October 1st

Are there buses that run from Sorrento to Rome? What is the cost? Is thre more than one bus company? How long does it take?

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1898 posts

I can tell you from first hand knowledge that the trip is @4 hours. We pulled into the bus station in Rome and had to take a taxi to the main train station. We bought our tickets in Sorrento at a travel agency. Bus left @6AM. Stopped in every town to take on and drop off passengers. I don't remember the cost, but it was less than the train, and we didn't have to transfer in Naples. The bus leaves from the main piazza in Sorrento, easy to find and easy travel. Bring a snack and water for sure. Your luggage goes under the bus, no room for anything larger than a daypack...carry on luggage is too large..

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1829 posts

There are two companies providing the service. Marozzi and Curreri. Curreri have yet to post their timetables for this year but they say soon. Both buses now arrive at and leave from Sorrento railway station.

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32392 posts

Sharon, I believe the Buses terminate at Roma Tiburtina station, so you'd have to take the Metro or Taxi from there to Roma Termini (or wherever you're going). The Metro trip is only about two or three stops, so it's very easy. Cheers!

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524 posts

Sharon You have a great idea. The 4 hour trip Sorrento to Rome eliminates the more costly fast train from Naples to Rome and the sometimes annoyingly crowded hot but cheap Circumvestia (?) communter train from Sorrento to Naples. The last time I checked, the cost for the buses was 19 Euros! The issue with the bus is the limited number of trips per day, usually 2 in high season with fewer on Sundays and holidays. I understand the buses are comfortable and clean coaches. Use the bus line names from previous posts to check the schedules. You can try to buy in advance or buy in Sorrento at a Travel Agency or another business in Sorrento near the train station. Bobbie

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83 posts

I took that trip via train....Circumvestia from Naples to Sorrento was horrible. It was hot, crowded and we had some punk kids harassing us along with other tourists. Our return trip from Sorrento to Naples was on the ferry which was kind of cool. It's a good choice taking the bus....although the Eurostar train and ferry was an enjoyable combination.