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Bus from Como to St.Moritz ?

Have you taken the bus from Como to St.moritz traveling along the west side of lake Como? On the map it looks scenic fallowing a river and past many lakes. Is it true the bus only makes two stops on the 631 line? Any imput would be great. Thanks

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16369 posts

The 631 doesn't reach Como. It goes down the occidental shore of the Colico branch of the lake through Chiavenna-Dongo-Menaggio, then it veers across the hills toward Lugano. It departs at 12:20pm and makes much more than two stops.
From Menaggio to Como, then you could take another bus with the ASF company, but I find the ferry more relaxing. Some ferry runs are on fast hydrofoil and can get you from Menaggio to Como in 45 min though the narrow Como branch.

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3330 posts

East is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet. But Dongo and Menaggio are on the WESTERN shore of the lake.