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Bus at Treviso Airport to get to Venice island.

Hello all. I thought I read something about this and I can't find it. Sorry... I only have a few days left to cancel my private transfer and I wanted to know for sure if this is do-able before I cancel...

My question: Is there a bus that meets every Ryan air flight that comes into Treviso Airport? We are a family of four and need transportation to get to our hotel in Venice. Once the bus drops us off.. do we take a water taxi to the hotel? I just want to have this lined up for a few reasons.. 1.) we have children with us and I want the transfer to run smoothly and 2.) our flight does not get into Treviso until after 8pm. I wasn't sure how late things run. The private transfer was expensive and if that is the only way to do it then I will go that route. However, if there is a bus and then if water taxis are still running at that time~ my guess this would be less expensive.

Also~ do you have to pre book the bus and have tickets in advance? (cash only?) What about a water taxi.. is there a need to set this up in advance?

thank you in advance for your patience and help... Viv

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1201 posts

Viv It looks like ATVO runs a shuttle bus that coincides with flight arrivals at Treviso. Here is a link to their schedule site in English.

click on the clock in the entry Treviso - Mestre- Venice for the schedule.

Looks like 6 euros one way 10 for a roundtrip valid for return in seven days. there should be a ticket booth in the terminal.

These are a big blue bus, can't miss them. Looks like they run until 10 pm or so.

They will drop you at Piazzole Roma and from there you can either ride the vaporetto or get a private water taxi.

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215 posts

Ron~ perfect! Thank you for your help. I will save about $200.00usd by doing it this way... (I would rather spend that on Murano glass!)

Viv :o)

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6898 posts

Viv, as Ron has noted, ATVO has regular bus service from Treviso airport to the Piazzale Roma on the main island group. CLICK HERE for the schedule. The fare is 6Euro including luggage.

The Piazzale Roma is a major vaporetto stop (water bus). The vaporetto is the main public transportation on the large venice canals. There is such a thing as the water taxi but I would avoid unless you want to pay about 125Euro for the ride. These are smaller private, but licensed, boats. They operate like regular taxis by taking you directly where you want to go. Very expensive. I would sugget the vaporettos.

Posted by
215 posts

Hello Larry,
Thank you for your input as well!
We arrive in Treviso at 8:20ish (pm) I am not sure of the time it will take to get to the Piazzale Roma. How long do the vaporettos usually run to? We are staying at Al Ponte Mocenigo and I believe it is close to a vaporetto stop. I am just worried about it being late... and not knowing where I am and not being able to find the hotel on my own... I don't mind saving money (of course).. when it makes sence to. What are your thoughts? Worth the taxi price at this point and at night? I would still be saving about 100 US dollars. thank you again

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6898 posts

Viv, in Venice, the Venitians are just sitting down for dinner at 8:00pm. You are not late. You are facing a 45-minute ride from Treviso to the Piazzale Roma. Looks like you'll get there about 10:00pm. Not to worry. The vaporettos run all night. You want the No.1 vaporetto that says LIDO. It's the N boat during the late night. You want the St. Stea stop which is 4 stops from the Piazzale Roma. CLICK HERE to see the run.

Here are the instructions from your hotel. "From there take vaporetto no. 1 (N at night) and get off at the San Stae stop (fourth stop). Cross the bridge on your left and walk for 30 meters along the Fondamenta Rimpetto Mocenigo until you arrive to the private bridge that leads to the hotel." Have fun.

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215 posts

Hello Larry,

Sorry, My mind isn't on vacation mode yet.. I agree 8pm is not late.. (here in Boston with kids it is bedtime! lol)

I cannot thank you enough for helping and going the extra mile to post directions... Your time and help is very much appreciated.

Best regards
Viv :o)

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6898 posts

As a senior citizen, it's often my bedtime as well BIG LOL.

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215 posts

Larry~ LOL ;o)

One last question.. I am looking on the site you gave me.. I was able to print it out and then I started to surf a bit looking for prices.. when I hit English.. it kicked me off that page.. I then tried to do the same route as you.. and well I am not you~ couldn't do it... would you mind letting me know how much does this ride usually cost? Also I noticed passes.. ( don't yell if this is a subject that has been talked about a million times~ but since I have your ear, here goes... ) If we are there for that nights arrival and then for three full additional days would you buy a pass? and how would one go about doing that? I have no plans for Venice other than to enjoy... (Although, I would like to go to Murano) thank you for your thoughts ~ Viv

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1201 posts

Vaporetto tickets are currently 6.50 euros and are valid for an hour. You will purchase tickets at the ticket booth in P.le Roma. You will need to validate them by stamping the ticket in one of the yellow boxes as you head to the dock.

In addition passes are also available in 12 hour, 24,36,and 72 hour lengths. There is also a 7 day pass available as well.

Fares are here:

Posted by
340 posts

What a fun trip for you and the children! I just was made aware of this website last week by another poster What is great about it is that you can purchase all your tickets for transportation, museums, etc. before you go and they give you a code to use to pick your tickets up when you arrive. They have a station at the airport and other places in Venice itself. This may be helpful to you with children so you can avoid waiting in lines.