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Bringing prescriptions on trip

I do not know the rules about having my prescriptions with me on my flight. I was told each country has its own rules concerning this. I will be traveling to Italy. Does anyone know the answer? Thank you.

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8 posts

Many thanks. The only thing I had been told was that each country has its own rules. I have read that one must have prescribing physician write what each medication is and it’s uses.

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5332 posts

Not sure which rules you are referring to, but this is what we do to save space and weight and we've never had a problem anywhere in Europe or the U.S. doing it this way. Of course, there aren't any guarantees about anything anymore.

Have the pharmacist print out extra labels. Put the pills in a freezer zip lock and put the extra label on it. Take the original data sheet that comes with the RX with you to show that it is for you. There are some state laws that require prescription meds to be in original containers, but they are rarely enforced. I remember reading about only one case in the last 20 years.

Having said all that, if you are taking some really high powered narcotic type prescription you might want to consider leaving that in the original container.

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8 posts

Thank you, I did read about putting individual prescriptions in small ziplock bags, I’m happy to see another recommend this. I also read I should get in touch with the Italian embassy, which I wasn’t thrilled about.

I appreciate your help.

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8345 posts

Look at it from two perspectives. First, in the very unlikely event that you would get pulled over by a Customs officer and they find a bag full of pills, they understandably would have concerns as to the legality of the situation. For a small amount, probably they would not even bat an eye, but for a 3 week trip and given the number of medications some people are on, that could be a sizable bag, and if your are prescribed and require Opiates, that is even a bigger flag. Having the medicine in original containers, or having a copy of the label or prescription is very helpful.

More likely though, is what if you miscalculated your doses, your Ziploc gets wet, you lose them, or scatter them across the floor...and are stuck trying to get more in Europe. Again a copy of the prescription or label to provide to a Doctor or Pharmacy would be very handy. Trying to explain to someone whose first language is not English what you were taking (You may recall a brand name, but likely not the generic name or dosage) is not fun, and maybe dangerous if you get the wrong thing or dosage.

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1662 posts

Hi sidney,

Is it possible to ask your pharmacist to make your scripts into blister packs? Flat, pre-labeled with all the pertinent information. And, if you can, take a copy of the original script in case of accident and a doctor needs to see what you are taking.

I don't know if you're flying from the States. Just another experience/opinion. I traveled two weeks with OTC meds & a couple of scripts (plus three days) just in case. If you take OTC's for regular aches and pains, take extra. They are expensive in Italy for smaller quantities.

To minimize bulk, I transferred the meds into little (dosage) pill baggies -- can be found at most big store pharmacies -- Walmart, Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS, etc. I used a white (file folder) label. Wrote the name, color, dosage, pill # on the label; adhered to baggie. (L484 = Acetaminophen -- The number can easily be looked up online and identified.) I then put all the little baggies into a larger zip bag. It was never questioned or scrutinized. Never had to remove it from luggage. Experiences may vary of course.

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3522 posts

The key is the reasonableness of the amount of the drug, especially narcotics, you may have with you. 3 pills a day for a 3 week trip, plus a couple extra in case you get delayed on your return, probably won't even get noticed. 3 bottles of 100 each for the same length trip might cause concern if you get checked.

I have been to Europe 50 times over the past 15 years and have never been stopped or inspected in any country of arrival for anything, not even drugs I had with me for my use. I prefer to keep my pills in their original pharmacy bottles when possible. Now that I get 90 day supplies of most, I have the pharmacy provide a small bottle that will hold about 3 weeks worth labeled like the main bottle and only take that much with me. I also have a letter from my doctor for my last couple trips where I was taking more powerful pain killers explaining why, what, how much, and how often. This was so that I could show this to a doctor in the country I was visiting in case I ran out for whatever reason to get a new prescription for use in that country.

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16362 posts

Nobody will stop you, however you should know this.
In Italy prescription meds are not sold in plastic containers labeled with your name like in America. Prescription meds in Italy are sold in the original manufacturer box/container, which usually comes with a maximum of 30 doses each. I doubt a customs officer would know what to do with those orange plastic containers we get. They are more likely to request to see a copy of the actual doctor’s prescription in a piece of paper. That is what you should have, especially if you have opioids, because that is what they are used to.
For travels overseas Italians are usually asked to carry a copy of their written prescription from their doctor and to keep medicines in the original manufacturer box/container. Nobody does within Europe, but that is what they recommend in Italy for travels to countries like Thailand, which has strict restrictions on certain drugs.

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7435 posts

Carry all your medications with you on the plane, not in checked baggage. I’ve never been asked about them.

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4105 posts

Traveling with many trademark drugs, make sure you're aware of their generic names. Even with a scrip from your doctor.

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8 posts

I talked with my pharmacist and will use small zip locked baggies with pills for 10 days and the labels. No unusual drugs, just meds to keep me alive. 😊

Doctor app today, we went over what I could live without. Trying to plan ahead, we’re only taking carry ons, so little room. I love Italy and was born under a lucky star.

Thank you all!

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11818 posts

We dump all our RX pills into baggies and have traveled to almost all of the European countries and most of Asia. No issues ever. We carry the names of of prescriptions, dosages printed out from our doctor which has been helpful when we needed medical care.

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5332 posts

...if you miscalculated your doses, your Ziploc gets wet, you lose them, or scatter them across the floor...and are stuck trying to get more in Europe.

As some others have suggested, we also take extras to cover that sort of thing. Just something to consider.

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8 posts

I don’t think I’d ever try to find more. My doctor suggested I take 2 Xanax to keep on me for the flights. I usually sleep on the way over and back, no anxiety in the past. We will change planes in Munich on the way over. One we changed planes @ Charles de Gaulle and they took my special body lotion. I was heart broken and almost cried. Coming home, going through customs in Atlanta was the worst. I claimed olive oil as a food. Man who spoke little English argued with me about olive oil not being a food! Threw away my make up because I forgot to put it in checked bag. No checked bags this time.

Thank you TC for the suggestion. Talking with you all has brought back so many good memories.

