I am a student who will be attending school there for 4 months. U S customs site states I can bring in a 30 day supply, but I was wondering if my being a student there would allow me to bring in a larger amount? I should add that the U S customs site is stating what the Italian consulate website states. I can't read Italian. Has anyone encountered a situation where they took excess meds? Neither of my drugs are illegal there.
If you are studying in Italy I'd suggest you make an appointment at a local doctor and get a prescription for whatever you need and just buy in in a local pharmacy.
Same situation with our daughter and her study abroad program in Spain. We sent her with a 120 day supply of two important meds and encountered no issues. We placed the meds in two separate clear plastic bottles with the prescription folded and held with a rubber band on the outside of each bottle. Also had a note from family doctor attached to each bottle stating the need for the drug and that neither drug was considered a narcotic or controlled substance. Bottles were placed in checked bag and with immediate visibility if bag was opened so apparent nothing was being hidden. Had no issues. Now that tactic worked then and may work again, please keep seeking advice from others with similar experiences. NOTE: Please state which country you are visiting.
So that is what US Customs says? What about Italy, what do they say? Ask for guidance from the school, perhaps? Surely they know the rules and any exceptions for someone in your situation...
If it were me, I would carry enough to get me through the 4 months. If you get pulled aside when you land in Italy and they look through your bag and question you, have a letter from your doctor, plus show them your visa for the 4 months. If in the very unlikely situation they take your meds away, do as the other poster suggested and get the Rx filled in Italy. Do some research and make sure your drug is available in Italy, what it is named, etc...
Also - bury all but say a month's worth that you take in carry on, the rest of it in your checked bags...
Good luck.
US customs does not control what you can bring into Italy. Italian customs determines that. Generally in Italy it is a simple walk through the Green door -- Nothing to Declare. Unless it is a controlled drug, simply carry in what you need.
The issue is more likely whether your insurance will allow 4 month supply. Very often they make a fuss for paying anything over 90 days. Once you have overcome that hurdle, unless it’s a narcotic, the Italian authorities won’t care. They won’t even check your luggage in 99.9% of the cases. Just make sure you have a written prescription as the labeled bottles may not be sufficient. In Italy they don’t use them. Italian Pharmacies, when you get prescription drugs, just give you the full original box from the manufacturer with the appropriate size box, based on the number of doses required by the doctor, but they don’t transfer medicines in orange plastic bottles with your name on a label.
The issue is more likely whether your insurance will allow 4 month supply.
For most Rx in the US, particularly for maintenance meds for chronic conditions, insurance allows for 3 month supplies (of course it depends on your insurance). I get mail order Rx in 3 month supplies, and it is pretty easy to build up a supply of 4 to 6 months over time (you are allowed to refill 90 day supplies every 70 or so days, so you can always stay ahead of running out).
Now if the OP in this thread is about to leave for this school semester, hopefully they have the 4 month supply on hand...should have been thinking about this before now, at least.