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Bringing food into Italy

Wierd question = I eat raisens every day for the potassium. I can't take suppliments and don't care for other food sources. I would prefer to bring a box with me rather than waste any time looking for them in Italy. Am I allowed to bring them into the country? I have looked on the internet but have not found a clear answer. Thanks.

Posted by
53 posts

I am wondering if bringing American raisins to Italy is like bringing American wine to Italy. I would want to try the Italian raisins. Shopping in Italian groceries is a lot of fun and not difficult and adds a cultural experience to your travel. IMHO.

Posted by
2207 posts

First - you can get raisins here at almost any grocery store! But if you want to bring some, pack them in your checked luggage!

When we come back from the States we often have one suitcase full of the essentials: peanut butter, Chinese hot mustard, barbecue sauce, jolly ranchers, tootsie pops, hershey bars (OK, so we have a sweet tooth!), starbucks coffee, crest toothpaste, and the list goes on ... usually weighs in right at 50 lbs!

Now if I could only bring back a few Chik-Fil-A sandwiches from my previous hometown in ATL!


Posted by
42 posts

Thanks Ron. I appreciate your input. I was just asking a legal question not a cultural one as Christe seems to imply. IMHO answers to the point are helpful not preachy ones. I don't love raisens, I have to have the potassium.

Posted by
1 posts

I was very happy to see this thread. I'm leaving for Italy in a week and am dying to take candy from my local Amish market. Can I take their bagged jelly beans, Swedish fish and gum drops (yes, I too have a sweet tooth) even though they are closed with a twist tie? I was hoping to pack them in my checked luggage and be okay.

Any suggestions?

Posted by
4 posts

Good topic!
I'm also curious, I was planning on bringing beef jerkey and dried fruit bars (Sunrype Fruit To Go) as something to nibble on in case I'm out and about and without food haha. Does anyone know about a place to look? I know many countries have restrictions on fresh food (fruits,vegetables, meats etc) but I"m unsure about packaged/processed food.


Posted by
70 posts

During our recent trip I had granola bars and small packets of trail mix in both my carry on and checked luggage and never had a problem going either direction.

Posted by
1 posts

I would also be interested in receiving a clear answer to this question, as I am also planning to bring in 5-10 kgs. of dried fruit I grow as gifts.


Posted by
9140 posts

In all the times that I have flown back to Germany, I have yet to have a single person ask me what was in my bag, nor have I ever gone thru any kind of suitcase control. Europe just is not freaky about bringing in food products. Why? Because they are coming over here anyway to be sold in stores. What kind of prunes are on my grocery shelf. Why Sunsweet. What kind of walnuts. Diamond. and so on and so on. There is a strange kind of mindset with US customs with bringing in food products. If a store ships it, it seems to be ok, but if you yourself bring in food, it is a no-no. I understand the fruit fly problem, the killer bee problem, etc. But if I can order Lebkuchen to be shipped to Ohio, why can't I bring in cookies from the grocery store. There is no logic to some of the US rules. So bring your food products if you like but believe me, you will be able to buy raisins in Europe.

Posted by
42 posts

Hi Amy,

May I say that the raisins in Italy are sure to be devoid of sulfites, as is the wine. Truly a joyous experience to eat unprocessed, unpreserved foods.
You have inspired me to purchase raisins in Italy!

I will be bringing my favorite protein shakes and packets of roasted almond butter in my luggage though!