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Bringing back pine nuts?

Anyone w/experience or problems bringing back pine nuts from Italy (customs issues, etc.)? We're flying roundtrip Dulles-Heathrow-Linate on BA. My parents are watching our kids and my mom asked me to bring her back some pine nuts. Fair trade, I think. :)

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605 posts

FYI Ellen and others: I have been purchasing pine nuts from my local grocery store from a company with an Italian name. However, I found out the pine nuts were actually from China!! I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather buy them in Italy if I can!

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244 posts

Great question! Costco Pine Nuts are, most likely, Chinese. European pine nuts are more expensive. I've read the chinese ones have a faint bitter taste. On our trip two years ago I brought back about 12 pounds of Parmesan and pecorino cheese. Most stores can vacumn pack the cheese if it is only cellophane wrapped. I was able to buy 22 month aged parmesan for about 6-7 dollars a pound, vs. 12 dollars a pound for 18 month parmesan at costco. I was bummed to find out I can't bring prosciutto back!

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34211 posts

Used to all seeds, nuts, berries, fruit,veg, meat were out of the question with the Ag Department...

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117 posts

Should not be a problem bringing them back. By the way - There is a big difference in taste between pine nuts from China and those in Italy. They are, after all, from different types of trees. Although Italian pine nuts are much more expensive and harder to find stateside, they taste much, much better (a subjective observation, I know), they toast much better and make much better pesto (duh). They'll also be way fresher than the China imports, which is an important factor with nuts that are high in oil (like pine nuts). I can totally understand why your mother asked you to bring some back!