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Bring leather jacket or not?

We'll be in Italy Sept. 26- Oct. 11. I've got sort of middle-of-the road clothes, i.e. nice, but not t-shirts or jeans. I have a soft, lambskin leather jacket I was thinking of taking for the cooler evenings I've been hearing about, but am thinking of switching to just a light jacket/windbreaker style instead, because of weight and having to roll up the leather one while traveling. Which one do you think is smartest bet?

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1888 posts

If you really want to pack light, then you've answered your own question.

The leather jacket would look nice, but for the short time you are in country, the lighter weight, easy to pack jacket is a better choice.

It's all about the packing. If you can give up the space in the suitcase to pack the leather, and don't mind using the leather as a rain jacket, then take it.

Layering under the light jacket/windbreaker would be the smarter choice for your trip.

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100 posts

Thanks for the replies - after reading what I'd posted, I think I answered my own question as well. Just like a "cute walking shoe", guess it's tough for us newbies to break away from that old image thing. I'm sold on the packing "light" ideal tho.

As for location, first 4 days-Venice, 2-Florence, 4-CT, 5-Rome.

Posted by
7737 posts

Take the windbreaker with you and keep your eyes pealed for a leather jacket you might want to buy while there.

Posted by
12172 posts

Take an unlined rain shell to keep you drive. A hood and enough length to keep your bottom dry are pluses. For warmth bring a lightweight sweater that can be worn to dress up a little or as a layer under the rain shell.

I think leather looks great but it's better left at home. It weighs too much to pack and might get ruined by rain, a buckle on your carry-on bag or any of a number of unexpected travel surprises.

Posted by
331 posts

Definately leave the leather at home. At home, you dress up more because you are seeing your friends etc. When travelling, no one expects you to be Trendy, and if you have to carry leather which is heavy no matter how you look at it, you will probably regret taking it along.

Posted by
100 posts

I really appreciate all the input.....yesterday I went ahead and ordered this Cabela's "adventure jacket/windbreaker" I'd been eyeing. Hood, waterproof, pockets, lightweight.....and cute style.:-) Thanks again all who posted....

Posted by
2030 posts

If you want to look chic in Italy, and the leather jacket is lightweight and black, bring it. But check the weather forecast first, because it still could be a too warm to wear it. I always wear my leather jacket on the plane, and don't pack it. On several trips it has served me well. You always look nicely dressed.

Posted by
712 posts

I am glad you are not taking the leather jacket and will enjoy it at home. I'd recommend TSA locks for you suitcase. Last Sept our bags got "lost" for 2 days when we arrived in Rome. My waterproof jacket I had bought for an Alaskan cruise and decided to bring on our Italy vacation was missing from my luggage when it finally got delivered. It was the last thing I had packed.I could have used on 2 rainy days of our trip. Hope someone really needy is enjoying my jacket.

Posted by
135 posts

If you wear the leather jacket "a lot", it isn't a bad idea to take it AND your weatherproof jacket. Watch Rick's older videos... he wore a leather jacket for a lot of shows. I've got a warm but lightweight leather coat I've taken to Italy twice. Caveat- you don't pack it, you wear it to and from Italy. Stash it in the overhead bin when you get on the plane. It made me feel a little dressier in cities like Rome and Firenze, and I wore it almost every evening going out to dinner. Yes, pack light. Don't take anything you won't wear "again and again". But there's something about a good looking leather jacket....

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964 posts

I'm with Michael here- leave your leather jacket at home, and enjoy shopping for a new one in a different style! Italian leather coats are gorgeous, and every time you wear it, you'll enjoy memories of your trip.