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Borghese guided tour or audio guide?

We are planning to do the Borghese in April at the tail end of rs tour. Audio guide or should we do the guided tour?

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111 posts

We did english guided tour and it was great. Very knowledgeable guide.
Also, they have a very unique and secure bag/coat check method.

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1278 posts

We also had a guided tour. Wonderful guide, really explained the art and the context in which it was created. Definitely thought a guided tour was worth it.

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6713 posts

I was happy with the audioguide because I could set my own pace, focus on what interested me most, and not have a group moving with me. But I'm sure the tour is good, and might be a better choice if you don't already have priorities for using the limited amount of time you get in the gallery. Either way, it's a great experience.

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1082 posts

I’m sure the guided tour would be great, but I thought the audio guide was very good.

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312 posts

We did the Borghese Gallery solely on our own last October. It gave us the freedom to see what we anted to see when we wanted to see it and then go back and see it again (which we did with the incomparable Bernini sculptures). I think we only saw one guided tour when we were there and several people with audio guides. To be honest, it doesn't matter how you see the Borghese, as long as you see it, right? Probably one of the top museums in Italy in my book.

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15799 posts

I've done both. If you don't take the tour, the best strategy is to arrive early so you're near the front of the line, then start on the second floor, then the first. Since most people start on the first floor, you are able to avoid the big crowds. The only problem I had with was using the audio guide. It is organized to start on the first floor, so it was a bit difficult. Still, I got a lot out of it. With the guided tour, we were almost the last to enter, and for some reason we were even the last group to enter. The guide was good but there was not nearly enough time left after the tour to go back over the route to see so much that was skipped. Since it wasn't my first, or even second, visit, I didn't feel cheated.