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Borghese Gallery tickets

Does the Borghese Gallery have a schedule for ticket release? The official website only seems to offer tickets through the first week of November, and it's been that way for a few weeks now. I'm a little worried I've missed something!

Also, I see that the time slots are available on an overlapping basis now, with 180 people per slot. For example, where it used to be 3-5pm and 5-7pm, it's now 3-5, 4-6, and 5-7. Is this different from the number of people when the time slots did not overlap? Meaning, will there potentially be double the previous amount of people? Also, how do they know who to chase out when? In the above example, when 5pm rolls around, how do they separate the 3-5 people from the 4-6 people?

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25 posts

I got our tickets to the Borghese from Viator. It's a skip-the-line ticket (optional guided tour included) for 9am on Nov 9th. It was quite a bit more expensive than the gallery's regular ticket, but the Borghese is one of the main reasons we're visiting Rome and I couldn't stand the fact that they were not releasing those tickets! I don't know why they haven't released any past that first week of November.

Here's the link where I got our tickets:

I hope this helps!

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8084 posts

We missed getting into the Borghese this trip (which is ending today - flying home tomorrow). In the final last time slot of the day, they offer 1 hour, 45 minute shortened visits, 5:15 PM to 7PM. We were told by a local who phoned them that three slots for that time Saturday (2 days ago) were still available as of Friday afternoon, but I couldn’t see that on the Website when I got the message. Phoning them the minute they opened at 9AM on Saturday, Oct. 23, they said they were sold out “until” November 8. That’s a Monday, and they’re closed on Mondays. Maybe the response by a native English-speaker would’ve been sold out “through” November 8, or “until” the 9th. At any rate, that’s 2 weeks away. Or, as you said, they’re not looking beyond the first week of November right now?!?

There’s a Damien Hirst temporary exhibit going on at the Borghese, which is likely driving up demand for entrances. Tickets from a scalper may be one option, but we passed on spending $70 apiece.

Whether you go to the Borghese or not, also consider visiting the Palazzo Doria Pamphili. In downtown Rome, it’s a magnificent place, started by contemporaries of the Borghesi, full of art and amazing surroundings. A prince and princess still live there (he narrates the audio guide), descendants of the nephew of Pope Innocent the Tenth. That nephew was briefly made a Cardinal, but he quit to marry. An avid collector, he amassed masterpieces by Titian, Caravaggio, van Bruegel (both the Elder and the Younger), among many, many others. There are Bernini sculptures, too, although not quite on the scale of the Borghese. No time limit, so you can visit longer than the maximum 2 hours the Borghese allows, and just €14. A Hall of Mirrors, smaller than that at Versailles, but still amazing. The rooms themselves are stunning, too, each different, and splendid. Some ancient Roman artifacts, too. Well worth seeing, in addition to, or maybe instead of the Borghese Gallery.

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3812 posts

Don't get scammed by viator, all Borghese tickets are "skip the line". Mostly because you can enter only at the reserved time booked in advance and there are no lines to skip. Well, you could try to skip the security line if you wanted an interesting story to tell.

Of course Viator can't sell Borghese tickets before the Gallery has put them on sale. They have scammed dolphinheron pocketing her money at once and then buying a ticket on the official site the moment the Gallery opened the sales. Adding a fee for the inconvenience.

with 180 people per slot.

Andrea they have raised the number of visitors inside the Gallery by 20%. I don't know why they haven't opened November sales, yet. Maybe the Hirst exhibition could be extended, maybe it's something else.

Since nobody else can get the tickets I see no reason to worry. Of course you are free to get scammed and pay more if it sets your mind at rest. Compared to the overall cost of a trip to Europe a little fee isn't a big price to pay for peace of mind.

how do they separate the 3-5 people from the 4-6 people?

Who cares now? Either they ask or they have started using chipped RFID tickets. You'll discover how they do in Rome.
Some visitors were asked to carry around a Bluetooth device during the visit in the previous months. I bet they were collecting data.

they said they were sold out “until” November 8.

CynThe Gallery is open on Monday the 1st and it's sold out. It's closed on Tuesday the 2nd. There are some of tickets available between November 3 and November 7.

Posted by
65 posts

Thanks all! It sounds like the good news is that I'm checking the right website and no one else is seeing things beyond that week, either! I'll hang in there and wait for now.

Posted by
8084 posts

OK, Dario. Schedules at sights across Rome, and days open and closed seem to change without notice, and signs on the doors don’t always reflect the actual days and times sights are open.

Posted by
7546 posts

I got our tickets to the Borghese from Viator. It's a skip-the-line
ticket (optional guided tour included) for 9am on Nov 9th.

I'd be curious to know exactly what you bought from Viator. Viator is a reseller and as far as I know has no special access to Borghese tickets. You get a "voucher" to trade for the ticket to whatever thing you have purchased. If the Borghese site is not selling tix past 11/8 how/where did Viator get them? I guess they just sell you that voucher then hope they can grab that exact time slot for you? All Borghese tickets are timed entry with a 2 hour limit.
And the bit about "optional guided tour" sounds fishy- that would need to be scheduled with the gallery

Risky and cost you more, but Viator made some money for sure. I do hope it works out and you actually get IN at 9 am on 11/9.

Posted by
25 posts

Dario, you are always the voice of reason on this forum! If I got scammed by Viator, I'll know soon enough. I just couldn't stand the thought of not having tickets to this gallery in my back pocket, so I made the leap. Viator's reviews for this tour over the past few weeks have been good, so we shall see. I will post a timely update. Hopefully it will come in time to help you, Andrea.

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16884 posts

Viator's reviews for this tour over the past few weeks have been

Hey there, dolphinheron -
Just out of curiosity, are you thinking you bought a guided tour? Did you purchase the "from $35.41" ticket? I don't believe that includes a guided tour; I think you needed to purchase the $84.85 upgrade for that. If you bought the lesser priced version, it looks to me like all you're getting is a general-entry ticket. Some of the reviews reflect disappointment/confusion about what some visitors thought they had purchased, and the ticketing text lacks clarity, IMHO.

You might be using the word "tour" loosely so apologies if you know what you're getting into; just raising the question!
And yes, it's frustrating that Viator makes such a big deal over this ticket avoiding a queue when ALL tickets are timed entry for this museum; it's nothing special at all. Oh, and do be there at least 20-30 minutes in advance for the mandatory check of bags, umbrellas, etc. that can involve a queue at the checking counter.

Posted by
33 posts

I've also been compulsively checking the Borghese Gallery tickets! My guess is there's something with the change in schedule (hourly admittance of people instead of every 2 hours) that makes them need to start fresh with reservations. Maybe a programming issue on the ticket sale site. Also, possibly something with the Hirst exhibit. Maybe a price increase? Regardless, just hold tight, and they should drop the tickets soon.

Posted by
65 posts

Tickets are now available until the second week of January 2022 for anyone else who's been checking daily!