Hi: This question has been asked before but has not been responded to in a couple years. I hope to take a family of 4 to the Borghese Gallery 6/16/13 but
I'm confused about how to see the Borghese Gallery as one of the 2 free admissions with the Roma pass but making reservations now - without paying. I have played with the ticket one website recommended in the Rome 2012 book but haven't been successful, it looks as though it may require payment at the time I make the reservation. Is that correct? Or does the website process merely reserve the tickets for pickup and payment when you arrive at the gallery? People have mentioned a call back option which I am unable to find and the reservation phone number in RS book will not work. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
It has actually been answered fairly recently. The answer is pretty simple. The call back service is no more. You need to call them, when tickets for the day you want have been released, during business hours remembering that Rome is 9 hours ahead. They speak very good English and the call is very easy.
Thank you Nigel. When I attempt to call the number gives me an error message, do you know the correct to call from the US?
The number is +39 06 32810, right from the website. In the US I think the way to dial international, to replace the "+", is 011 so the sequence would be
011 39 06 32810. I just dialed the number and got a recorded message (in Italian of course) that they are closed. Remember that it is 11:25 at night in Rome.