I purchased tickets from ticketeria.it for Sunday July 1st. Now I find out that the Borghese Gallery is now closed on Sundays. I called to change my tickets, but they won't let me until June 25 as the woman on the phone said "The gallery is open but probably will be closed". ???? I wanted to change my tickets to the Tuesday. But in order to do that, I will have to change my Tuesday Vatican tickets to Monday and switch my itinerary around. But if I am unable to do it until June 25th, I am worried that I will not be able to change the Vatican tickets. Any suggestions?
Caveat: I don't understand the italian beuracracy. Did you call and make the reservation directly with the Borghese gallery if you are using a Roma pass? If so, you are not out any money. If you purchased the tickets on-line directly with their site, I'm not sure how that works but if the tickets were avaiable then I would assume that they will be open. If you bought tickets thru a 3rd party source, I'm sorry. I saw angry people in line with their " very expensive" tickets bought from other sources, and they were turned away. The only sure way I know is to book direct, and it is far cheaper to do so! That all said, I would say the borghese gallery, while having a few very wonderful pieces of art and statues, along with fantastic ceilings, is rather overrated. Several of the paintings were the ugliest I've seen anywhere! The gardens were pathetic looking. There are so many other wonderful museums and places of interest in Rome that if you are unable to get in, don't feel bad. Just try to get a refund, and go enjoy some other part of Roma.
The Galeria Borghese has some, according to world-known decades old mainstream critique, some of the best collections of art of its period!!!! Of course art appreciation is individual, but to call it "meh" is like go against the whole History of Art as we understand it!!!! Which is your right of course.
I bought our tickets off of ticketeria.it. Their number was the same one I called to get the tickets changed. I believe it is the official Borghese gallery ticket website. I don't want to change our Vatican tickets until I know for sure that I can change our Borghese tickets. I am assuming that there are plenty of Vatican tickets available. What other museums would you recommend in Rome if we don't go to the Borghese?
Maybe see if they will issue a refund? then you could try going there another day if you have some time. It is pretty small as far as art museums go, so it doesn't take a long time to visit. I don't recall there being significant lines to enter, so I'm not sure the advance ticket is really needed anyway. IMHO, the Borghese is just lovely! The sculpture outperforms the paintings, and the building itself is quite beautiful.
I would not count on them (ticketeria) giving you a refund. The site specifically says no refunds under any circumstances. What they will probably do is offer you a change of dates. This is what I would plan for. You can easily change your Vatican tickets on the website so you might want to do that in order to get the date you need while it's still available. I would call the Borghese again to see if you can switch them. You might have just gotten an operator who doesn't know what she's doing. Donna
Melanie, I'd do one of the following two things:
1) ask your hotel to help find out what is going on re: the Sunday date.........they may wind up still being open afterall. 2) wait until you get to Rome, go by the Borghese and very politely see what's going on (or if you are arriving that Sunday and they are closed), present your ticket the next day or day after, kindly saying how very disappointed you were to have found out they were closed for your timed reservation. I think you will find the staff there to be very, very kind. Chances are they would just work you right in on the very next time slot. We had made reservations for 3:00 pm, to allow time for delayed flight, etc. Went by the gallery at 11:00, explained nicely that we had booked the later time, just so we would not risk missing our time, but that with jet lag, etc. we would love to see the gallery earlier if at all possible.............the young man clicked on the computer, printed tickets for 5 minutes later :) All the while, a sign out front said that absolutely no tickets were available until the following Thursday (or something like that). People generally want to help those who are genuine and nice (IF they have the space and can work out something). Hotels are also very interested in helping their guests to have a wonderful time in their city. I would not change your Vatican tickets.
Donna, I will try to change the day from Sunday to Tuesday. If they don't let me do that I hope they will at least give me a refund. I will try calling again and hope I get a different operator. Margaret, I would have to change my Vatican tickets anyways. We were planning on going to the Vatican on Tuesday, but if I have to change the date of going to the Borghese, our only option would be changing Borghese to Tuesday and Vatican to Monday, as it is closed on Sundays.
I just looked at the Borghese ticketing site, and they still show tickets available (and able to be reserved for Sunday, July l. Double check yourself. Their web site shows regular Sunday hours, and they also still show they have reservations/tickets for the date you want. How did you "find out" the Borghese Gallery is now closed on Sundays? Maybe someone misinformed you???
Margaret, If you go to the Borghese museum site, they do show dates for Sundays. But click on "buy" and you'll see that there are zero tickets available for any Sunday. As for where I got my information, Ron in Rome as spoken about it http://www.roninrome.com/sites-and-attractions/possible-closures-in-museums-and-sites-in-rome The Walks of Italy blog talks about it http://www.walksofitaly.com/blog/ And this website http://roma.repubblica.it/cronaca/2012/05/31/news/musei_chiusi_nei_giorni_festivi_l_allarme_dei_sindacati-36290082/ which when translated says: Museums closed on holidays"
Due to the shortage of the Galleria Borghese, the Barberini Palace and Castel Sant'Angelo, among others, could no longer open its doors on Sunday or during the days of celebration. At the risk the vacations of workers. ' Because of the shortage of museums in the Museums of Rome, Galleria Borghese, Palazzo Barberini, Castel Sant'Angelo, Spada Gallery, Galleria Corsini Palace and Venice, will be closed on Sundays starting in June.'' Sounding the alarm is Ugo Gallo, FP CGIL union of Rome. But the risk of closure on holidays from tomorrow is contained in an extract of the minutes of trading on May 29 signed by different unions. To date, these museums are always open - says Gallo - now rather close on Sundays and holidays, as June 2. The block in turnover has reduced staff numbers from the Ministry of Heritage and Culture now in its death throes. The workers and the workers are now so few that can only guarantee the safety of the museum is closed, but absolutely insufficient to open the museum. And also at the museum closed cover only the minimum necessary and can not even guarantee the right of the leave. The archaeological area of Rome (Colosseum, Roman Forum) lives the same problems of museums.''
When I made my last post to you, I was hopeful that I was bringing you good news that something had JUST changed. I didn't try to make the full purchase, because I'm not going to Italy now.....just saw that date and was initially so happy for you...but my enthusiasm was mis-placed. But, so very sorry to hear that your plans have gotten all goofed up because of potential labor issues. You are very, very well informed since Ron in Rome is your source....he's the rock star of all information re: Rome.....very helpful, on-top-of-it guy. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you will get to see everything you want to see. The sculptures at the Borghese really are wonderful, and the Vatican is just so vast and full of so much. You sound like you are staying flexible and adaptable, and that's what is needed with travel (and most everything else) in today's world. Safe travels and let us know how it all works out.
A posting on the SlowTravel forum from Rome says the following:
"I checked a few museums today (Sunday, June 10th) and they were open. I walked up to the Galleria Borghese, and it was really busy with lots of people queuing for their tickets, as usual. Then I walked through the park to the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna and it was also open (thought much less busy!) I'm not sure this tells us very much that's helpful, except that so far the city of Rome and its unions are finding a way to keep museums operating on Sundays. At least, this Sunday! "