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Booster ages out during my trip, what to do?

I am scheduled to be in Italy March 5 - 18 for the VFR tour with some additional days on either end. I'm very excited - it's my first trip to Italy and replaces my March 2020 COVID-cancelled Best of Rome tour. I received my booster on September 16 so it hits the 6 month mark on March 16. That's the "tour over after breakfast" day. I have a day trip to Orvieto and a food tour planned before flying home March 18 - but I'm not sure what I'll be able to do without the equivalent of a green pass. I could move my flight up and leave March 16 but I really hate to do so! I know things may change again so I don't plan to make any rash decisions but seeking guidance from the amazing members of this forum. Would my hotel have to boot me out? I can happily live for a couple of days on street food and take out and I'll probably be done with churches and museums but I want to wander, people watch and shop. And take the train to Orvieto! Thoughts?

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917 posts

Rules/recommendations will probably change again by March, but booster timing seems more advisory than mandatory as long as supplies are available. If you can get a doctor's prescription to get a prescription refilled early because of travel, which usually you can do easily, I think the first thing to do is to get your physician to write you a note to get your booster before you leave (plus a couple of days in case you get have some reaction)... Have fun!

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10 posts

Thanks, @NickB. Good suggestion. Not sure my doc will go for it but certainly worth a try!

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715 posts

If the rules still require the super green pass you will not have access to restaurants, trains, hotels. Yesterday the date of my booster was checked. The only change I've heard is the possible elimination of the zones but no mention of changing the super green pass. No one knows.

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161 posts

Linda, tell me about the green pass please. I guess I didn't know that booster shots were being checked too. Are 4th vaccines (2nd booster) being checked too, as I'm not sure when we can receive that one?

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21414 posts

Getting a second booster by the rules might be problematic, but walking into a pharmacy and requesting it is not. I now have two vaccine cards, one for the first 2 jabs, and one for the third, cause I forgot to bring the first card when I got the booster.

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905 posts

I second James recommendation. You should be able to go to any pharmacy and receive a booster.

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131 posts

The 6 month validity of the last vaccine starts on February 1st. My 6 months is up the day before I fly to Rome for my Southern Italy Rick Steves Tour on May 10. I am so upset. I emailed RS to ask about this and if the rule does not change, and we are not able to get a 4th shot by then they will refund the full price of the tour for those who can't comply with it as we will not be let into the country.

My gut feeling is to get another booster in April before I leave but of course it'll mean trying to convince the person administering the shot that I somehow qualify for it! This will affect the tourism industry in Italy a lot as many in the US got their boosters as soon as eligible which means peak travel times they will no longer be valid by Italy standards. Let's hope Italy changes that rule but as their Covid case numbers are still going up it may be a while!

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1080 posts

I’m in the same boat. My 6 month ends in March and trip is in May. I’m actually more concerned with catching covid over there and not being able to come home. Let’s hope this variant burns out quickly.

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319 posts

I think there are many people in the same situation. My 6 months runs out in April and we are set to depart for Milan on May 28. I have heard from many people that the rules in Italy will likely change after March 31. Currently I don't qualify for the 4th shot so I am hoping Italy makes allowances for us or things change for the better in general!

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10 posts

Thanks, everyone, for your input - I now have a path forward! I'll ask my doctor if she can order a booster in advance of my trip. If not, I'll move my departure date up to coincide with my booster's 6 month expiration date. I don't want to reschedule the trip entirely as I've arranged for the time off and I am mentally ready to go! I don't think Italy is likely to change the rules before 3/31.

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688 posts

My trip is scheduled for March 28-April 11. My booster expires April 6. I talked with one of the doctors at work yesterday and he said he wouldn’t be surprised if information on a second booster comes out by the end of this month, but as of right now only people with medical reasons can qualify for another booster. I’m trying to hold off on a decision until mid February, but it’s definitely stressful.

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395 posts

I have discussed this with my doctor.
I would not be surprised if another dose is approved for my age 70 sometime in March. If not my doc said he would treat it like a required travel vaccination and admister the vaccine.

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10 posts

Again, thanks to all who chimed in. I've decided to enjoy the last day of my "green pass" in Rome and check into the Rome Airport Hilton that night. I'll be able to walk over to the terminal and fly home the next day. I'm only cutting one day from my trip. I am sad to eliminate my visit to Orvieto, but I'll be back!