We have booked a room at the top of Manarola. The owner wishes cash on arrival. I am so used to reserving with credit cards- will our reservation still be there when we arrive? This particular place was recommended by RS in his book on Italy. Just looking for reassurance I guess.
Madeline, we stayed at a well-known, family-run hotel in Monterosso that only takes cash payments as well, and didn't have any issues at all. If you are nervous, do they have an email address so you can verify your reservation shortly before your trip?
Yes they do- and he said he would come pick us up if we let him know 3 days in advance. Good to hear your experience.
You'll be just fine. In some places Italy is still a very much a cash society so being able to whip out the credit card is not unusual. That your hosts have already responded with the offer to pick you up is a good sign. Enjoy your trip!
If the property is listed in the guidebook, I'm sure it will be fine. It would probably be a good idea to confirm your reservations a few weeks before you arrive.
Yes, it's common for smaller hotels and B&B's in Europe to want cash payment; most will accept it on departure, but some do want it on arrival. And in general, these places are not looking at you as a potential no-show, at least not with the same intensity as in the US. They do usually want to know when you're arriving, both so they can make sure someone is on duty to check you in (smaller places may not be staffed 24/7) and so they can have some idea of when they should start looking to give the room to someone else.
We have reservations in Manarola in September at Aria Di Mare - cash only. We have had no problems in our previous 2 trips, staying primarily in B&Bs throughout Italy (although cash at arrival means quickly determining where the nearest cash machine is LOL). We were instructed to check back in July to confirm. I think you will be just fine ... but it always feels better when you get some peer support from this forum.
I have never had a hotel reservation go missing, although I often don't reserve very far ahead. Many hoteliers ask you to arrive by a certain time; obviously, people start to worry if you were expected at 5 and arrive much later. I appreciate the honor system that has typically been in place for European hotels and I'm sure they have come to expect a reliable rate of follow-through from Rick Steves' readers.
We had the same experience with a hotel in Monterosso and everything worked out just fine, though like you, I was a bit nervous until we showed up and actually got our room key.