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Booking Flights from Boston to Florence

Any tips or tricks to finding the best price on flights? 3 of us are traveling to Florence in September. What about trip insurance? thanks in advance for your help

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1103 posts

We flew from Boston to Florence a few years ago. My approach is to use to research itineraries, then go to the airline website to book tickets. Airlines are not advertising any special fares for September yet, but it is not clear if prices will change from current levels. The Florence airport is very small, and sometimes the connecting flight is on a very small jet or even a turbo prop. Another option is to fly to Rome or Milan and then take the train to Florence. On our last trip, we took the train from Florence to Rome at the end of the trip and stayed overnight in the Eternal City. Re: trip insurance - We don't bother with this for airfare, since you can always change your ticket (for a fee). Our trip to Florence was rescheduled from earlier that year because my wife broke her ankle. There was supposed to be a change fee but the airline representative felt sorry for us and waived it.

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8359 posts

The closest big airport to Florence is Pisa. Many fly in there and take a 1 hr. train out of the airport to Florence city center. I've had better luck with recently. Then, I checked the airline's own website for a slightly better price. Summer, 2012 fares don't appear to be nearly as reasonable as the Spring fares. September is a great time to go. Maybe Italy will have come back from their one month vacation by then. Many people in good health don't buy travel insurance, but you need to check with your personal health insurance company to see if you're covered overseas.