what is the best/easiest way (not taxi) to get from Bologna to Florence with luggage. my daughter will be studying in Florence this summer but will be flying into Bologna and spending the night before heading to Florence the next day. Can you advise on the best way for her to get to Florence and any tips? Thanks!!
Train. Approximately every 15 minutes, Bologna Centrale to Florence SMN. 37 minute trip.
unless u land late in the night you could go straight from the airport in Bologna to Florence. Besides the fast train from Bologna Centrale suggested above, there is the Appenninoshuttle bus that connects BLQ airport directly to Florence downtown. it's a 80 min ride. Not much longer than the train once you factor in the 30 min bus ride from the airport to the Bologna Central station.
The airport bus to Bologna city centre and the train station, and the bus to Florence, are well signposted in the Arrivals area at the airport.
Both choices are above - the bus suggested by Roberto looks pretty good, modern. I haven't ridden it but did see it a couple of months ago. The BLQ shuttle bus from the airport to the station in Bologna is OK, if the amount of luggage is small, but it does rattle and bang a bunch - Italy, cobblestones and city bus architecture equals rattles bangs and bumps - and the station is the last stop. Then it is find the lift or carry down and up the stairs. I'd take the bus to Firenze of I were her.
Thanks so much everyone!!