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Bologna airport question

I will be flying into Bologna on British Airways, and after about 1 1/2 hours, flying out on Alitalia (for Catania, Sicily). Are there any problems I may encounter? Is this enough time to get between flights? Is there someplace where I could get a quick meal there?

Since the flight to Catania is within the country, I assume that I will be going through customs at Bologna.

Finally, is there a decent map of the airport online anywhere? I tried the website for the airport- and the only map I found was a worthless 3-D depiction of each floor that gave almost no information whatsoever.

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1127 posts

If your flights are on time you will be fine. However it appears that you have two completely separate flights (no code sharing/partner airlines) which means if you miss your flight to Catania Alitialia is not obligated to do anything for you. You may be forced to book a last minute ticket on the next available flight, assuming there are seats available.

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93 posts

You mean that even though they got PAID, they don't have an obligation to provide service???

That leaves them open to do all sorts of nastiness!!!

How on earth would I protect myself? I can't afford to buy another flight!

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93 posts

What about my luggage? Since they don't seem to have any legal responsibilities to their customers- will I have to (like at Heathrow) get my checked luggage and move it to the other plane?

This worries me.

Posted by
2207 posts

Bob if the airlines do not codeshare than there is no linkage - on tickets or luggage. Thus the 2nd airline expects you, and your luggage, to be there on time and checked.... just as you did for your first flight.

So if you're late and miss your 2nd flight, you just have to work it out with them. It's not THEIR fault you arrived late.

In addition, because you are not codesharing, your luggage follows the same rules. You have to physically retieve it from the first flight at baggage claim and then recheck it on the 2nd flight.

If you do not feel you have adequate time between flights to do this - MAKE YOUR ADJUSTMENTS NOW! Do not wait until the events are already happening. You may pay a small fee now... but if you miss and have to rebook that could get expensive!

ALL THAT BEING SAID, I have missed flights and in a calm, rational, polite manner worked out "arrangements" with my next flight. Just remember, the Gate Attendant and Reservationists are YOUR FRIENDS!

Posted by
2207 posts

In response to "How do you protect yourself?" Well, you codehsare your flights & you can be MORE protected because, in essence, it's "one ticket" on a shared, alliance airline. Or you schedule your flights so even if you have a BIG delay you're covered (hard to plan on that!).

As far as the obligation of the 2nd airline to provide service... they will - to everyone who is on time and has their luggage checked - Hopefully that will include you!

Are you flying into Bologna from MCO, or from an EU airport. If you're coming from Orlando (spent MANY hrs. there), then yes, you will have to go through customs in Bolonga because it is your first "point of entry" into the EU.

All that said, 1/12 hours is tight with customs but if you're coming from MCO they may be early with the tailwind. I've certainly done customs with less time but not by choice.

If you're still uncomfortable, look to make changes now while you can inexpensively.

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2207 posts

Having said all that, I've been stranded many times on International flights. In Toronto by Alitalia, In Paris by Air France (TERMINAL 1 - world's worst airport back then), in Milan by Delta (and I was a Platinum Elite Member), and other spots. each time I was able to "work throught" the issues and we got on our way within 2-3 hours!

I also been stranded OVERNIGHT in Tampa, Orlando, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Atlanta!

Do some preliminary work. See what the "next" few flights are on Alitalia and have the flight numbers and options written down. Also, see what other airlines fly to Catania and check if they have an alliance with Alitalia. If you have an international cell phone, program those numbers in - As long as I had my cell phone, good humor, and patience I was able to work through all the times I got "stuck."

You plane will probably be early and much ado about nothing... but doesn't hurt to get your info together or make changes now if you're uncomfortable!

Good Luck!

Posted by
93 posts


I don't think of going to Europe as a vacation anyway (I'm going to help teach a field school)- and this SCARES me of traveling over there!

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93 posts

What about information on the airport? Does anyone know of a decent map of the airport? (NOT the junk "3-D" drawing available on the airport website!) Locations where I might be able to get some lunch?

What can I expect there?

I'm already troubled enough about what I've learned about the flights. I HOPE that there aren't nasty surprises waiting at the airport as well (and I already know about the possible problem with pickpockets and thieves).

Posted by
1127 posts

"You mean that even though they got PAID, they don't have an obligation to provide service???"

The airline is obligated to provide a service for the flight you booked but if you miss the flight that is all on you. This isn't something exclusive to airlines in Europe, it happens in the US as well. The airline will probably work with you but it depends on what they have available. You should allow for more time between flights when not code sharing or stay overnight in Bologna - it's a great city!

Posted by
93 posts

I need to mention that I'm not traveling on vacation- I'm going to Sicily to help teach a field school (and need to be there on Thursday to help get ready).

The ticket was purchased as part of a total deal- and my professor says that because of that they will have to provide me transportation- if not on the scheduled flight then on another. I also learned that the connecting flight from Bologna isn't on Alitalia, but on Meridiana- and that since this connecting flight is "local", I am expected to pick up and re-check my luggage. He thinks 1 1/2 hours should be sufficient.

I've been trying to find out what the terminal is really like, where international flights come in and local flights depart, and so on. The airport website is next to useless- and their "map" worthless. I figured the RS site would be best to find out.

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2207 posts

The Bologna airport is not very big. It has one boarding area and only 22 gates. There are 9 separate baggage claim conveyors. There are 3 distinct “check in” areas.

This website lists the shops and restaurants in the Bologna airport – looks like 7 different places to eat and 22 stores:

Click on each “logo” and the information for that restaurant will pop up!

Looking at the maps… flying international from the States you will probably come into AREA 3. You will have to get your luggage from there… then HEAD to AREA 1 where you will check in for your domestic flight… Hope that makes sense!


Posted by
93 posts

Thanks for the information!!! If there is only one boarding area, possibly I won't have additional security to go through- just come out one gate, pick up my bags, go through customs, get them checked for the local flight, and then to the next gate!

I looked at the map and the lists... but they aren't very well done at all (at least not the map). I was hoping for a decent 2D floor map (like I found for Gatwick). Something that took each floor and made it clear where everything was- and clear enough to tell what path you needed to take. After I found such a map, I'd try to find out which gates my flights were coming in and going out of- and plan the quickest way between the two.

I don't like to base things on assumptions. That's why I'm asking questions.

Posted by
93 posts

Another question on this topic- I'm carrying a large part of the specialized electronic equipment we're going to be using at the dig. I am also disabled, and use a cane to walk.

If I contacted the airport before my trip and told them what I will be carrying on board (and that I'm sometimes a bit slow walking)- do you think they might help expedite things? I really don't want to miss my final leg going over because of "problems".

Posted by
2207 posts

I would contact British Airways and ask them to intercede on your "off-loading" and luggage assistance to and through customs, security, and exit gate!

BA is great at customer service and if you ask them I think they will step up! Until you pick up your bags you're in a way their responsibility!

Good Luck!