We are going to Italy in May. Should we go to Bologna? We are going to Umbria, Lucca....and the rest we have not planned yet. Last trip went to CQ, Venice, and Florence. Is Bologna a place we should not miss? Thanks!
I enjoyed Bologna very much. Great town for walking around and there is a great tower you can climb to the top for amazing views. Bologna is known for the GREAT food. I was there for 3 relaxing days and enjoyed the food, the town, the sites....
lovely place. I found all my info in the Lonely Planet guide book for Italy.
I've always said Bologna is the best kept secret in Italy.
Thank you both for your replies. Any recommendations of (on the less expensive side) lodging?
I use booking.com to research hotels for price and location. Their reviews are done only by recent giests.
Bologna is my least favorite place in Italy (I LOVE almost everywhere else I've been there, in 6 trips to the country). But that's definitely a minority opinion. However, it makes a great base for day trips. I went to Ravenna, Ferrara, Parma, and Modena, and there's also Florence, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia... Since I want to focus on the positive, I'll say that I was fascinated by the totally intact medieval street layout of Bologna as seen from the top of the tower (I forget the name, but it's the one in the center that you can climb). I also loved my meals at Trattoria da Gigina on the outskirts (easily accessible by bus or taxi, http://www.trattoriagigina.it/) and Trattoria Gianni in the center (no website, make reservations).
Love Bologna. Great food. Great church (San Petrino) and fountains and towers to climb. I think it is a well kept secret. A university town with lots of night life. I have been twice and will continue to return.
Send me a private message if you want my hotel, restaurant recommendations.
thanks for all your help! Can anyone recommend a nice, inexpensive place to stay in Bologna? Also, has anyone stayed in Lerici? We are wanting to stay there our first night in Italy (we land in Milan) - very expensive! Last time, we stayed in Camoglia our first night, north on Cinque Terre, on the coast. We want to stay on the coast our first night! Thanks! ciao!
This place in Bologna is a decent price and an excellent location: Albergo Delle Drapperie The thing with Bologna is that it hosts a lot of trade fairs and conventions throughout the year. Hotel prices go up significantly on those days.
We're staying in a farmhouse outside town. Maybe you can find one that appeals to you: http://www.agriturismo.it/en/farmhouse/emilia_romagna/bologna This one is pretty close to bologna:
http://www.ilcavicchio.it/eng/home So cute!!!!