Just confirmed our trip to Italy in April. Looking forward to a rewarding and exciting time. We will be staying in Italy for 10 days after tour to travel the Agri-turismo areas in Pompei, Sorrento, Amalfi, and Salerno. Hope to see sights and make awesome memories.
Sounds very nice! Did you have a question about your tour or the 10 days you'll be traveling afterwards?
Fun! Welcome to the forum as I see this is your first post. Is it also your first RS tour?
It's a good idea to get to the starting point at least the day before or in this instance at least to Milan the day before the tour starts. This just gives you some flex time in case your flights/other transportation are delayed and to give you some time to get over jet lag. Since you've got 10 days after it doesn't look like time is too much of a problem, so I would plan on 2-3 days ahead.
I've had my eye on this tour because I really want to see the Dolomites and Otzi the Iceman. I realize that's a pretty pathetic reason but I've done a number of RS tours in Italy that cover some of the other sights.