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Blue Grotto in Capri and claustrophobia?

I am headed for the Amalfi Coast in April and would really like to explore the Blue Grotto in Capri. However, I am somewhat claustrophobic and would appreciate any feedback , tips, etc. Is it doable for someone like me? Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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120 posts

I am mildly claustrophobic and I didn't have any problem in the Blue Grotto. Even when the rowboat squeezes through the opening - it all happens so fast, you hardly have time to be nervous. It's quite open inside and so beautiful that it takes your mind off the fact that you are in a cave!

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347 posts

You will have such a fear of the boat tipping over and all the man eating sharks that live in the Grotto, that you will not be thinking of how helpless and trapped you are in the cave.
LOL, the only think to fear is the cost of the boat trip. Have fun!

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15632 posts

It's been a long time since I went to the Blue Grotto. My fondest (?) memories were of the guys rowing the boats. All they talked about was how we shouldn't forget to tip them. I hope things have changed because they were really obnoxious.

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536 posts

Mary - Please don't be dissuaded from going to The Blue Grotto because of the image of Frank thinking about the guys rowing the boats!!!! - He always was a bit different - lol

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15632 posts

Different...but honest. (Unlike others here who pretend to be experts, give bad information--with a flair--and think they are still on a cruise.)

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409 posts

Mary - Do it! We met a honeymooning couple in their 60's in Sorrento and talked them into accompanying us on a trip to the Grotto...they were afraid at first, but ended up loving it! And my wife still talks about the guys rowing the boats, but in a different way - I'm lucky she didn't toss me overboard. :)

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168 posts

Hi Mary - I was nervous about the same thing as I get a claustrophobic, but I was completely fine in the Blue Grotto. The only tight spot is when you go in (you have to duck your head as the boat get's pulled through the hole).

But after that it is a very large cave inside and was not small. It was beautiful to see (and a little comical when the boat guides were all signing).

Go for it! It's a great one time experience :-)

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1003 posts

It is a fun experience! I think you will be fine inside the grotto and you aren't really in there too terribly long. We were here in the month of July and the weather was stunning. The boat ride from Capri to the grotto opening is beautiful and we didn't mind having to sit in the boat while we waited for the rowboats. Enjoy!!