We have been thinking of flying, next spring, from the USA into Venice and return to USA from Rome.
This would reduce travel time w/in Italy.
Given the circuitous route to Venice and returning from Rome, I don't know how full travel time varies.
TODAY (Black Friday)
there is a good sale I see right now - Black Friday
We will try to decide by noon tomorrow - so if anyone has a quick thought, I'd appreciate it.
flights from here (Midwest) to Rome, round trip may be $500 rather than $900 (typical).
I'm wondering if anyone has experience with the fast train system and doing a quick trip between Rome and Venice (at the beginning or end of the trip) - I think it's 3:45 hours and about $50
I think we'd be saving hundreds of $ but may hate it if the train ride is (feels?) long.
OR, is it possible to go via Florence in one direction and another route w/ good city to visit during the opposite leg?
Of course, we 4 travelers have to feel comfortable w/ whatever decision we make.
Thank you.