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Birds near Castel Sant'Angelo

On our recent trip to Rome we spontaneously did an open bus tour of Rome on our first day. It was late in the afternoon, probably between 5:30 and 6pm when we were driving on a road next to the Tiber across from Castel Sant'Angelo. We looked up, and there was the most amazing formation of birds - thousands of them, sweeping across the sky forming patterns - it was incredible! At first we thought they were bats - they were small birds with a very fast wing beat. We tried to get back there on other evenings but we were never there at that same time so either didn't see them, or they weren't there. Anyone know the story of these incredible birds?

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This happens fairly often.. these are European starlings... here's an article


And if you go to You tube and search "birds over Rome" you'll see many different videos! It is kinda unusual the first time you see it! according to this article 9and others I've seen), they are fleeing from predators!
