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Biking on the Appian Way - Be Forewarned

Rick Steves’ Rome and Italy books have contained information about riding part of the Appian Way, south of Rome, on a rented bicycle. We tried that yesterday afternoon. It was a good experience, glad to have done it, but it’s no easy ride, and a more difficult challenge than Rick lets on. He even started one TV episode astride a bike, on the Appian Way, and it looked like a fun and unusual thing to include on our trip.

The ancient road was a major highway in ancient times, 27 feet wide - enough space for traffic in both directions. It’s now much narrower. Rick indicates that Sunday’s the best day for biking, as there’s little car traffic, compared to the rest of the week. It’s closed to most motorized traffic on Sundays. He says it can be bumpy, and we were prepared for a potentially jolting ride. Our rental bikes worked, but weren’t finely tuned machines. Mountain bikes with wider tires and some shock absorption would’ve been better suited to the rougher patches.

Well, many stretches are smooth. Others are basically boulders in the road, bands maybe 6 feet long, across the entire road. Get in a lower gear and hold on, maybe standing on the pedals to get out of the seat an inch. Aim for the smoothest rocks. And in many stretches, there are narrow dirt paths along one or both sides of the road, with occasional entry and exit paths to get on or off them. Those can be smoother than the road itself, but wind around trees, and one led into an abrupt ditch, which required a sudden stop-and-walk maneuver.

The Umbrella Pine trees along the road have spread roots under the paving stones in many places, and that’s caused upheaval and big paver waves to be ridden over cautiously. Some stones are loose, or even carry old wagon ruts from bygone days, so keep an eye out. Much work to “improve” the road was done during Mussolini’s time, and likely since then, too, so it’s not as it was 2,000 years ago, but not like the asphalt bike pathway in your nearest park, either.

OK, so the road surface requires some extra balance, endurance, and steering ability to avoid obstacles and unevenness that could put you and your bike down - hard. But the rough roads are not the only part. Today there were hoards of pedestrians, in enormous packs, spread both across the road and the paths on the sides. It looked like busloads of middle-schoolers were on a Sunday tour, on foot. There were other large tour groups of adults, all with dangling audio boxes on lanyards. Then, others in smaller groups, with or without dogs, some unleashed. And lots of others on bikes - many on other rentals, many on what might be their own cruiser bikes, and some on serious mountain bikes. Some riders were going far faster than most - reckless, even. Some double-wide baby carriages. And some cars, too, including a big Rolls-Royce headed for a wedding at a fancy countryside house along the Appian Way. And there wasn’t any order to what side of the road anyone was going. Some on the right, some on the left, some weaving one way, then the other. Some fast, some slow, some stopping suddenly, without warning. Some ignoring others coming towards or behind. No rules. Kind of like sidewalks in Rome, but even more crowded, plus more modes of transport, and rougher surfaces.

Maybe today was an exception, or maybe in was a normal Sunday. Prepare for (some) rough surfaces, but also be ready for a simultaneous crush of people. Some coming towards you, others that you’re approaching. I didn’t witness any actual injuries - but there were some close calls.

Have fun, and get a helmet with your rental! Many (most) riders didn’t have them, but I was told that there have been casualties.

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142 posts

Sounds familiar and similar to our experiences years ago, with the exception of crowds, I only remember the only part that might have been considered crowded was the most popular section where the restaurant recommended by RS was, but the farther you went the fewer people there were to the point it was mostly deserted. We did detour over to the huge aqueducts too which was a great diversion and we did get caught in a traffic jam on the way there, but it was a traffic jam caused by a huge herd of goats and their shepherds and dogs which was a charming experience. I think the advice to wear a helmet is a darn good one.

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3615 posts

Sounds very adventurous Cyn! I have been hit twice in my life by a car whilst riding a bicycle, so this is not something that I will be doing! Glad you made it!

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34373 posts

I think that years ago I wrote a trip report here about our experiences on the Appian Way.

This was before my wife developed vision problems and we were on foot.

I certainly remember think that it would be difficult on a bike unless using the adjacent footpaths. Very old road not well maintained (or even at all). We really enjoyed it, had no crowds. I think it was probably June, and years ago.

I wonder if some of the issues you ran into (not literally) were Covid related now that people are doing so much at or near home?

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8056 posts

Maybe getting outside during a pandemic is influencing the use of the roadway. The adjacent footpaths weren’t exactly maintained, though, and weren’t consistent or continuous, so not totally doable on two wheels. Then again, pedestrians were using those, too - sometimes - so it was a veritable dance of roadway users, without anyone calling what the dance was, what tempo, or where to do the dancing. The walkers might have been annoyed at bicycles on the road/path, too.

Everyone managed to make it through, although it had to have been nervewracking for a few people besides me. The rental bike didn’t have a working bell, not that that would’ve made a difference. Many of the group mobs seemed to be young French students. What they all were doing in Rome, I can only guess.

One group of young teenagers, all boys, Italian (Roman) would be my guess, spread across the road, and every attempt to get the attention of, at least, the one on the left was unsuccessful. I tried to squeeze by them, on the left, and hit a loose paver that sent me into the curb stones. Two of them thought that was hilarious. Having taught kids that age in the USA, boys in Italy clearly share some of the same characteristics. Wonder if they’d do the same to their grandmothers?

Mussolini attempted to have some of the ancient monuments and mausoleums that once lined the Appian Way reconstructed, not necessarily with historic or structural accuracy. I imagine he had some work done to maintain or improve the roadway, too. That was long ago, now. I can’t see trying to ride it on a weekday, with regular cars and trucks I can’t imagine that chariots or wagons would’ve been possible on the current road.

It was interesting seeing that part of the Roman countryside, especially the farther south we went. The foot and bike traffic did dwindle as we headed south. Had to turn back before getting to a view of the aqueduct, in order to make the reserved time for the St. Sebastian catacombs. Rick Steves says they’re no open on Sundays, but luckily they were. Maybe that’s a Covid thing, too, making sights more available after lockdowns shut things down for so long.

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4104 posts

I walked on the Appian way in 2015. I thought, "Gee, it would be hard to bike on this."

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216 posts

I agree - much more work than anticipated, but I thought well worth it! My Wife and I rented bikes not far form the colosseum, and biked to the Appian Way. It was fun, but definitely a workout :-). I replied on another thread, the biggest item for us was directions - we found what the book company gave us to be a horrible Map. One we got our bearings, we were fine, but the way we did it, it was pretty much most of the morning/afternoon. But after we dropped of the bikes in late afternoon, had a liter of cold beer, we slept like babies that evening lol.


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385 posts

My husband and I have done numerous bike trips in Europe and I was ready "to ride" the Appian Way. We walked it and I was forever grateful that we did, it just would not have been a comfortable ride. Also, the walk allowed us to really experience the wonder of the road, imagining what it must have been like centuries ago. We are returning to Rome next fall and that may be on our list to repeat....on foot.