Heading to Florence in October. What to buy tickets for The David and maybe if possible for the Duomo and the climb to the dome. Searched Google and found a few sites that look promising. What sites on the internet have you used to pre-buy tickets for sights in Florence? Want to skip the line. Not buying the Firenze card since it went up to 72E, we just won't use it enough to warrant the cost.
Don't use any of the non-official websites. Book directly through the museum's website. http://www.b-ticket.com/b-ticket/Uffizi/venueAccademia.aspx Or by telephone with Firenze Musei: +39 055 29488 The ticket price for each museum is: Full price: € 6,50
Reservation cost: € 4 For the Duomo, you can buy a €10 "cumulative ticket" that allows entry to the Dome, the Baptistery and the Campanile. http://en.grandemuseodelduomo.waf.it/museo_dett.php?idtour=8484
It would surprise me if you need to prepurchase for the Duomo. Maybe someone else has a different experience, but I haven't seen that as an issue in October.