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Best way to travel from Rome to Siena

Train vs. Bus.
Wondering if a bus is a better way to travel between Rome and Siena since you save about an hour on travel time over the train. And it is direct no having a change. But our hotel is just a small walk to the main train station in Rome, would it be more convenient to go that route?
Looking for feedback on the busses, which company, since I see there are a couple to choose from? Are the busses as comfortable as the train would be, as we will obviously have our luggage in tow?

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4535 posts

I prefer the bus. SENA is the line. The buses are comfy but not as roomy as a train will be. But as you say, it is direct with no transfer.

In your case, you'll lose some time getting to the bus station in Rome but the bus takes you closer to central Siena where you can easily walk to your hotel.

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11613 posts

Your luggage will go under the bus, so it may take a couple of minutes to retrieve it.

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26 posts

We just were there last week. We rented a car and drove from Rome to Siena -- it was not a problem at all, and it gave us a chance to explore the countryside a lot more than other forms of transportation would have (we visited Orvieto and Montalcino on the way). The hotel in Rome and Siena turned our license plate in to the police so we wouldn't have to worry about any ZTL fines.