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Best way to travel between A an B?

We are 2 couples traveling to Italy in May/June 2010. We are flying in and out of Rome. Our itinerary is fly into Rome (3 nights), Sorrento (3), Orvieto (1), Florence (north of) (5),Cinque Terre (3), Venice (3), Rome (1) and fly home. How would you suggest we travel between cities/towns? We may have a car for the Florence part...we are staying in a small town just north of Florence. Any suggestions?

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306 posts

Train. You might want to rent a car for Tuscany if you are going to be doing a lot of exploring in that area. Otherwise use the train to get to everywhere else.

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689 posts

Train. And yes, rent a car for Tuscany! But leave it outside Florence!

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113 posts

Thank you...yes we are staying outside Florence. Apparently there is a parking lot before you hit the ZTL...we will investigate.

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10344 posts

"Apparently there is a parking lot before you hit the ZTL...we will investigate."

We have now had reported, just on this travel forum in the last 6 months or so, multiple Florence ZTL violations totaling $1200, $1000, and $850.

This is a small travel forum. Think what the total # of fines must be that Florence is racking up.

Isn't it time for Florence to stop sending tourists $1000 bills for the crime of trying to drive to their hotels?

Yeah yeah, they should have known--but multiple violations for $1000? How about one ticket for €100?