I have 6 shirts to pack (not button down). Is it better to pack with the collars up or down, and should I alternate direction because of the collars? Thanks,
Whe in doubt go to the source. http://www.eaglecreek.com/packing_solutions/packing_folders/Pack-It-Folder-15-41068/ Collars facing up, alternate the collar orientation. So one shirt, collar on the right of the stack. Next shirt, collar on the left of the stack. Keeps the stack more level.
ah, my bad. Thanks.
Also, though the video shows them folding pants and putting them on the bottom of the stack, I find things stay less wrinkly if you put them unfolded on the bottom, leaving them flat, then stack shirts/sweaters in the middle, then fold/wrap the legs of the pants or skirt bottoms over the top of the stack before folding the envelope closed.