We are planning to be in Rome 4 nights and are wondering if a trip to Viterbo would be worth the time/expense. If so, without a car, what is the best way to see Viterbo? Tour, bus, train?
Grazie from Maui!
One train every hour at 55 past the hour from Rome Trastevere or from Ostiense at 52 past the hour. 1 hour 51 min journey, 5 Euro.
I visited Viterbo a couple of years ago using train connections. I stayed overnight, but it's under 2 hours by train so you can also day trip. Trains run about hourly between Roma Ostiense and Viterbo Porta Romano, but you can also connect from the Aurelia station and Metro stop near the Vatican (saves about 10 minutes). Cost is 5 euro each way. I thought Viterbo was interesting and worth a visit. It's much less touristy than say Orvieto, so few if any crowds, but that also means fewer sights with shorter hours. If you've been to Rome before and are looking for a new experience, then Viterbo may be worth a visit. If this is your first visit to Rome, then you may need all 4 days just to see its sights.
Every Italian town is rich in history and has its charm. I don't think Viterbo would come first in the list of day trips from Rome, nevertheless it has a quaint historical center and a couple of interesting historical sites (Palazzo dei Papi, Cattedrale, Santa Maria Nuova). If you are looking for places to visit from Rome on a quick day trip, you might also consider the following: Ostia Antica Tivoli (Hadrian Villa) Orvieto (maybe coupled with Civita di Bagnoregio?) and even Naples, which thanks to high speed rail nowadays is within one hour from Rome.
Florence is also an option for a very quick rushed visit. High speed rail will get you there in 90 min. Lots of options. PS: Viterbo can be reached by train or bus from Rome.
Grazie to all of you for the kind suggestions! This is such a wonderful website. Even on a third visit to Rome, when limited on time it is so helpful to know these things!!
Suzanne: So many different sites in Rome! I wrote an article for the Embassy newsletter and posted it here as well, if you'd care to take a look. Some unusual places for those return trips to Rome. Laurel
I've lived near Viterbo on and off these past few years, and I can honestly say that the city itself is not exactly worth your time. It's a working class city with minimal charm. Maybe if you are really into walled cities, Etruscan artifacts or Saint Rose, but I would advise you to skip it. That being said, the environs of Viterbo are GORGEOUS. If you have a car, it's one of the absolute best joyrides you can take. Alto Lazio is one of the most overlooked places in Italy, and it's simply stunning. If you're excited about gardens, it's feasible to hit three of the most spectacular Renaissance gardens within one day and be back in time for dinner. Palazzo Farnese in Caprarola, Villa Lante in Bagnaia, and the Sacro Bosco in Bomarzo. They were designed by three friends during the mid- to late 1500's, and they definitely had very different tastes. Bomarzo has a really interesting centro storico, which I would also recommend you poke around in. There's nothing there to do per se, but it's almost entirely carved out of the local tufo. It's really something else. It reminds me of Civita di Bagnoregio, but I honestly think I prefer Bomarzo. The volcanic rock is so thoroughly a part of the architecture. Of course, Bomarzo is just 30-40 minutes from Civita, and they're more than easily doable in one day. I also recommend checking out Vitorchiano, which is another little hilltown in between. Not much to do, but lots to take in. There's a Trappist convent just outside the city that sells the most amazing jam and honey. In short... Viterbo no, Viterbese countryside YES!