I want to visit all the three. I am not sure about the best time and order to visit them. I will be buying tickets for the museum and the chapel ahead of time. I prefer early mornings (better energy level and we prefer gardens, cafes, strolling for the afternoon). It seems the preferred order of seeing them is museum, chapel and St. Peters Basilica (to take the direct entrance from the chapel to St. Peters). However, I see that St. Peters opens at 7 while the others open only at 8:30. Also, Rick recommends the evenings to avoid crowds (will this still be a factor if you have advance tickets?) and to listen to the evening mass. If evenings are sure to have much lesser crowd than at the openings times in the morning, I will go with the evening. We will be there end of June. Any suggestion on the best time and the order to see them in with reservations?
Thanks a lot.