Doing some advance planning for a 4 week Italy trip in Summer of 2017. Where can I get the best all around rental car deal?
First of all, you're probably too early to get a price quote, so don't worry.
Second of all, do you really want or need a car for your trip, and if you do, do you want it for 4 weeks? Remember that a car is an expensive headache in cities, and is useful for small towns. The problem with a car in cities is not just the usual one of crazy traffic and expensive parking (like in, say, Paris). ZTL's mean that you can't even enter the cities without getting an expensive ticket, months after your trip. If you don't know what a ZTL is, be sure to learn about these now, so you don't find out the expensive way
Once you know your itinerary, post it, so others can help you figure out the times you need (and don't need) a car.
Third, the only way to know is to get quotes. In addition to using Kayak to compare the rental companies directly, look at the consolidators AutoEurope and Kemwel. I've heard several stories (one was my own) where Kemwel had substantially better prices than any other alternative.
A good introductory guide to renting cars in Europe is available from Gemut:
We always use Autoeurope and ALWAYS purchase the zero deductible. It is worth every dime for peace of mind.
Buon viaggio,