My husband and I will be in Florence for 4 days in Oct. before heading to Tuscany for a wedding. What do you recommend to experience, see, and taste in those 4 days? Thanks!
What have you picked out already? I find it really helps someone make recommendations if they know some of your interests.
Where is the wedding?
Get Steves' guidebook for Florence. Covers it very well. Better yet -- go to you public library and check out his DVDs related to Florence and Italy.
The wedding is at the Lazy Olive Villa and we just recently decided to go. We like to walk around, off the beaten paths. We love finding nooks and crannies, great local restaurants, unique shops, outdoor markets, art and history. Of course, we want to see the Duomo and the Uffizi Gallery. But would love other recommendations.
Whatever you do , The Uffizi and the Duomo are a must . To really appreciate Brunelleschi's masterpiece, watch this PBS - NOVA documentary to understand how he did this -
I don't know Florence, but I do know food, and research, so I would keep eyes open for mushrooms, chestnuts, winter squash, grapes on focaccia--all the fall themed foods basically. Here are two food writers I follow, which will give you lots to chew on (hee):
Florence is in Tuscany too. Fall is fungi porcini season. Look for dried ones to bring home.
See all the neighborhoods in Florence including crossing the river to Oltrarno. Buy a leather handbag.