Sorry if this has been asked before, but I didn't see any threads that had compared these two options.
My wife and I are flying into FLR (on a sunday) and will eventually head towards Pietraviva for a wedding that day.
We want to spend a half-day exploring Firenze a little bit but are trying to figure out what to do with a rental car and luggage.
I've done some research and narrowed it down to two options:
Rent a car at the airport (hope/request for a car with a trunk) > drive to villa costanza > take train into the city center > take train back to villa costanza > continue drive to Pietraviva.
Take train from airport to Firenze Santa Maria Novella > put luggage in storage via bounce > walk from train station to city center to explore > return to train station and rent car via Sixt (this is the only rental agency open past 2pm on a Sunday) > drive to Pietraviva
Which option will be the least stressful and most efficient? My only concern about #1 is leaving our luggage in a parking lot for a whole day. My concern about #2 is if Sixt truly stays open to 6pm and if I am teh last person to get my rental car, will they still have a car with (a) a trunk and (b) automatic.
Any suggestions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!