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Best Language courses for Italian

Ok, so I have a gift certificate I need to use up. What is the BEST language course to buy on CD and/or DVD? I am a visual learner and someone had mentioned the Rosetta Stone. What are your thoughts? (I took a semester of Italian over 10 years ago at a local comm. college, flunked it, but learned the basic words to get around Italy) I have a year to brush up on my italian. Thanks to everyone in advance!!!


Posted by
1893 posts

You are right, Rosetta stone is the best. Very visual, and good repetition. If you have $200, you can afford this program. Don't fall for the fakes! (they offer all languages for less) Order directly from Rosetta Stone - or if you can, apply your gift certificate to a class in SF! In Denver, we have several native Italians offering classes to the masses!

Posted by
3551 posts

In SF there are many Italian clubs, you may want to ck into the Museo Italiaamericano in Fort Mason. they have classes, films, lectures etc.

Posted by
43 posts

If you have an Ipod, check out some of the Italian podcasts to help you brush up on language. I downloaded a bunch of them and would listen to them when I was in the room or on the train.
Steger, IL

Posted by
683 posts

Try , as well, the BBC website. They have courses in French,Italian,German,, Spanish and other langs, for beginners and beyond-- and they are FREE

Posted by
221 posts

I bought Italian for Dummies on Amazon and it was very inexpensive, three discs and I listen to them in my car while I commute to work and will load the more advanced segments on my IPod before I leave, it comes with a companion book that is very helpful.

Posted by
17 posts

Check your local library. Ours has access to which has 100% FREE Italian language course downloads from Pimslar. It will not do much for your reading comprehension but it will teach you enough to get by.

The best part - it cost nothing and you can listen in the car on your way to work so it takes zero extra time out of your day!

Best of Luck

Posted by
2 posts

I have had great success with the Pimsleur language program. It's an audio only course.

I get the CDs from my local library, rip them to my iPod and then listen to the courses as I drive to work each day.

There are 90 lessons for Italian. If you get through all 90 you will feel very comfortable in Italy.

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32303 posts

I've took some night school classes prior to my last trip to Italy, but unfortunately our local college isn't offering Italian any longer.
After looking over the various self-study programs, I decided to try the Pimsleur I, II & III on "Bookchips" that I could use in my Palm PDA. I found that worked better for me than Rosetta Stone, which as far as I could determine was strictly PC based. The PDA is with me all the time, so it's convenient (the Laptop isn't!). I believe these lessons are now available for I-Pods, which I could also use.
I'm getting a bit "rusty" now so will have to bet back at it soon.
Good luck with your studies!

Posted by
82 posts

I'll check out Pimsleur bookchips. A friend had Rosetta Stone and I was able to download it to my mac- but that's just it. It's only used on the computer. I cant download it onto my ipod which bites.

Posted by
769 posts

PIMSLEUR is the best for me - French and Spanish worked great so far (learning that is ... have to try it abroad yet!) - I just ordered Italian too. Look on ebay for quick 5-cd lesson - or more comprehensive full 30-lesson CD sets! it works great for me so far...