After reading Cinque Terre train ticket info I'm still confused or it might be that it's very expensive for our family. We are two parents 3 adolescents. One child is 12 the other 14 and 16
We are staying three days in Vernazza
Day 1 late arrival train from La Spezia to Vernazza
Day 2 Vernazza to Monterosso (beach day)
Monterosso to Vernazza
Vernazza to Manarola ( sunset cruise )
Manarola to Vernazza
Day 3 hiking day likely 2 trains and hikes depends on open trails
Day 4. Train out vernazza to la spezia
With 5 in our family seems like train travel will kill our budget if I am reading this correctly ? Not sure what us best plan.
We are leaving in a week. Any help is appreciated
Thank you !!!