We were in Portugal in May and used an ATM, we paid $40 in bank fees and exchange rates to get 200Euro. . I just checked with my bank, Wells Fargo and got 200E for $215. It cost so much more to use an ATM in Europe now with ATM fees. We just want a bit of cash to use to pay city tax at hotels when required, and to buy small items, like a gelato.
I'd suggest you check with your bank and see what they will charge to get some Euro before you leave for vacation, and I think $1000 is too much , you don't need that much cash on you. 200-300E should work, just use your credit card for dinners and larger purchases.
The exchange rate at 1.07 was pretty darn good this time with the Euro so low.
We have ALWAYS just waited until we got to Europe and used the first ATM machine we could find, but after this last experience, I'm thinking going forward, I'll just exchange a bit before we leave the US.
PS, NEVER get a cash advance on an ATM machine - do make sure you know what you are doing in exchanging before you click SUBMIT on the machine. Some ATM's are not withdrawals from banking accounts, only cash advance Exchange rate is way high, and the fees will get ya.