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Benedictine monastery

One of the Italy programmes that I watched referred to a monastery that was founded by St. Benedict. I don't remember which programme it was so I can't find where it is located. It does not appear in the index of Rick's Italy 2013. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks

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2081 posts

I got this off the internet: St. Benedict founded twelve communities for monks, the best known of which is his first monastery at Monte Cassino in the mountains of southern Italy.

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9110 posts

Mark Clark and friends pretty well unglued Monte Cassino. The work of Benedictine and friends pretty well went down the toilette.

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4421 posts

Chris, all of the programs' scripts are available - click on TV at the top of this page and surf...I think you want this (from "Italy's Great Hill Towns", 2006): "Abbey of Monte Olivedo Maggiore Five miles south of Asciano, the Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore houses a famous fresco cycle of the life of St. Benedict, painted by Renaissance masters Sodoma and Luca Signorelli (free, tel. 0577-707-611). Once you reach the town of San Giovanni d'Asso, it's only another 12 miles southwest to Montalcino." From this page; follow the link to the entire script, or watch the program.

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1994 posts

Chris, there are probably 100 Benedictine houses in Italy, about a dozen of which were actually founded by St Benedict (vs later followers). Monte Cassino is the house at which St Benedict died and was buried. It's in the moutains, very picturesque, so it may be the one you saw. It was heavily damaged in WWII, but has been rebuilt. There are also very early houses at Mt Subiaco. Sant'Anselmo in Rome is the int'l college for Benedictines, as well as the home of the Abbott Primate; so it might be a good source of info. The website of the International Confederation of Benedictines is a good source. Their geographic listing of houses is at (Sorry, don't know how to make link live.) And here's the link to Monte Cassino: Arcibadia I-03043 Montecassino (FR) Italia Tel: +39 (0776) 31.15.29 Fax: +39 (0776) 31.23.93 Email: