I will be going to Italy in two weeks. We are going to Venice, Florence and Rome. Back in 2002 I went to Paris and I was able to buy a special museum pass that allowed us to visit several museums and to get into the Louvre early. The catch was that the pass could only be purchased from outside of France. It could not be purchased in country. I've read the books and I have not seen anything like that for the cities we are visiting. I would hate to miss an opportunity like that if it was available. Does anyone know of anything like that for the part of Italy we will be visiting?
Thanks in advance.
None that I'm aware of. I bought all our passes in those cities. Only thing I bought in the USA was ny freccia high speed train tickets to save money.
The Pass you had in Paris was likely the Paris Museum Pass, which is often a good value if one is visiting multiple locations covered by the Pass (it also minimizes the time spent in queues).
I've never used any of these so hopefully the others can provide further information. For the cities you're visiting, you might look at:
- Venice Card. I believe you can purchase this online, but it may also be available at local T.I.'s or whatever.
- Firenze Card. Similar to the Venice card. They also offer a Firenze Card App on the iTunes store. I'm not sure if that provides admission to the sights, but does have information on the city.
- Roma Pass / Roma & Piu Pass. Similar to the others. Details on the website.
Happy travels!
As to your specific question about whether such a pass that can be bought only outside the country exists for Italy, the answer is no.
Thanks to you all.