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Bed Bugs in Venice?

Every time it looks like I finally fined a hotel in Venice; I start reading the reviews and "BED BUGS" keep coming up.
Is this a big problem. Some reviews were old, but some are from 07'.

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23562 posts

Don't know how to response to your question. We done about 300 days over the past 15 years or so and have never seen a bed bug. We generally stay in B&Bs and never above a three star hotel -- but I am sure there is always a possibility that the next trip will be different.

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2 posts

Try to choose a hotel with no such reviews. But realize that even a hotel with bed bugs may not have them in every room. (Obviously, more than one negative review, or even one in a small hotel, is a bad thing.)

Learn how to detect bed bugs in a hotel room, and how to take basic precautions to avoid them here:

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712 posts

In the early 70's I was backpacking thought Europe and staying at youth Hostels. We stayed in one in London that was related to St. Paul's catherdral. I don't remember the name of it, but I do remember waking up with all these strange welts all over and itching like crazy. The youth hostle refered me to a local hospital. It was interesting to see what an English Hopital looked like back then, and they didn't charge me. The verdit was bedbug bites. The hostel said it couldn't be their fault and I must have brought them in with me. Yeah, right! Needless to say we all left that place. I landed up showering like crazy and talking my sleeping bag and all my clothes and pillow to a local laundry and washing everthing in hot water. To this day my sister every once in awhile likes to kid me about that experience. I was suprised to read it becoming a problem in some hotels now days. OUCH!

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160 posts


I have been to Venice a few times and never had a problem with bed bugs. Try Hotel Arcadia. Very clean, nice people and nice location.