I know it's not a pleasant subject matter, but I've seen plastic luggage covering sold for the purpose of keeping out bed bugs. We'll be in Italy for 15 days and just wonder if anyone's had this problem id any hotel they've used?
Thanks : D
Although some people will have bed bug stories I do not. I've looked at the bedbug scare as something akin to the need for RFID protection and wire mesh inside purses. They are just another way to separate a person from their money to the benefit of the seller.
There's a global Bedbug Registry containing reports submitted by travelers. I wouldn't depend on it entirely, just as I don't entirely depend upon Trip Advisor reviews. http://registry.bedbugs.net/ Don't be offended, please, but it does seem from your various posts that you are focusing on every negative thing that could possibly happen in Europe. Your trip will be a lot more enjoyable if you try to relax a little and trust that good things will happen. If something goes wrong, deal with it, and it's good to be reasonably prepared, but if you focus on the negatives from the start, they will probably manifest in one form or another.
We have been all over Europe for nearly a year over almost 20 years and haven't seen one yet. However, for the past couple of years the stories finally got to my wife and she tears up the foot of the bed looking for signs. They are around but do not know how to judge the risk.
I've never had experience with bed bugs in Italy, only with restaurant rats and I must say it tasted good. I love "tagliatelle al sugo di talpa". Also there is a reason why in Tuscany, the gnocchi are called "topini". As any Italian grandmother will tell you, "the secret is in the sauce".
About all that foolish-looking plastic wrapping on the luggage of some travellers, I always thought it was to protect their ridiculously expensive suitcases. Who knew you could pick up bedbugs in the freezing airplane holds. Guess I've just been lucky all these years. Will all those who have picked up bedbugs in their travels to Europe please speak up?
One other thing, since you are so health conscious I'd recommend you stay out of Florence if you go now. There have been 3 cases of SARS already this week and there might be an epidemic. http://www.lanazione.it/cronaca/2013/06/04/899092-nuova-sars-contagio-firenze-malattia-epidemia.shtml
Traveled around Italia for 2 years and never had a problem with bedbugs. Dunno but from what my Italian freinds told me the plastic wrap around the suitcase is to protect it from scuffs etc. Never heard anyone say anything about bedbug protection.
'freezing airplane holds' Depending on the carrier and equipment, holds are generally kept at fifty to seventy degrees.
To Rose, I'm not focussing on the negative things, I'm just trying to be prepared to prevent anything from happening. Perhaps if you could have been in my shoes the past year, you'd understand. My (now) husband had our wedding planned and had a death in the family, so we cancelled it. Then my mother had a severe car accident, followed by by son having one. The wedding we had rescheduled for June 3oth was totally wiped out by a severe storm that came through our area the night before knocking down trees, power lines, cell and all phone service. The wedding had to be cancelled again. We lost $25,000.00 Then in August, I had a stroke. (I'm very young), It then was discovered that I have two inoperable blockages in my brain that will kill me. So, you see, this trip is VERY important to me. My husband has had to endure so much, and I want this to be special for HIM!!! I have traveled before and love people from EVERYWHERE. I have English and French friends who visit us. I'm not a bad person, it's just that I think that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I'm sorry that my posts bother you so.
I apologize for the typos!
I will send you a private message how to protect against bed bugs. There is a real epidemic and I know this because I have a daughter who works for a pest control company and a son who actually is a K-9 handler that has a bed bug dog for that company as well...
Thanks everyone. LOL, won't be covering my scruffy luggage. I think the purpose wasn't for bedbugs in the planes, (I chuckled, sounds like a B-movie script)it was to wrap the luggage when not in use in the hotel rooms. But, this sounds like great now. I've just had a "Murphy's Law" year and want a wonderful trip, if it's in my control. I love Europe and Italy in particular. Happy travels all!! : D
I do a lot of business travel and a comment on the luggage wrap: it' supposedly to protect your luggage while at your hotel. I've read that bedbugs don't like tile, therefore whenever I check into a hotel my luggage gets stored on any tile floor, like the bathroom. Of course, I lift up the bed to check for the little buggers first anyhow. I think my storing the luggage in the bathroom has just become a habit at this point. I've had some family members come back from a trip to Chicago with bedbugs. NOT fun. I on the other hand make several trips there a year and so far, so good. (now knocks on wood)
Cindi, your posts don't bother me in the least, and I'm sorry for all your trials and tribulations. I hope your trip is everything you want it to be.
I go to Europe every summer for a month for the last 10 years (soon to be 11) and I have never encountered any bedbugs in my travels from Scandinavia down thru Italy, France thru Eastern Europe and Turkey. I am either lucky or they are not where I go if they are there at all.
Just returned from trip to London, Paris, Bayonne, San Sebastian, and Bilboa plus two SFO hotels. Nine beds and not a bed bug to be seen or felt.
Rose, No harm done dear. I'm so glad to hear everyone's had such wonderful experiences. I think Italy is my fav. of Europe, but I found something (or many somethings to love about every place I've been fortunate enough to live or visit.
Thanks to all for your input.
Maybe what Rose was getting at is the appearance of over planning. A couple of couples we know are extreme planners. It is planned to the last minute so that there is no run for anything to wrong. Every detail checked and cross checked. And, of course, things go wrong and then they are unhappy because the trip do not go as planned. Their trip never quite meet their expectations. It will be a wonder trip even if you run into bed bugs. We have never had a bad trip but we can go with the flow including sleeping in the railroad station when the reservation was mishandled. It was only one night. Not so bad.
I've had a nasty tangle with bedbugs in Spain, but no encounters in Italy yet. I've never known anyone personally to have had an issue with them there either (and my friends, colleagues and I are in Italy pretty regularly), but I HAVE READ on Tripadvisor that the area in Rome just north of Termini has chronic bedbug problems... However, with so many hostels and so many people coming through them, the bedbug problem is a natural outcome. It's not that the places are dirty; bedbugs are just a common problem in heavily-trafficked hubs of tourism, especially those along a common 'Grand Tour' route. When I fought the bedbug menace, it was in a hostal in Barcelona, right of La Rambla. The floor was tile, the hostal was clean... but every morning I woke up covered in more little red bites that were all clustered in small wheel-like groupings. I told the management--AND showed them my bites--but they argued with me and said it was probably just a food allergy. I tore my room apart looking for bugs, and couldn't find any in the linens or under the mattress. Thankfully, Barcelona was the last leg of my trip, and I just threw out my suitcase and all its contents when I got home. The bites are itchy, but eminently survivable. Just bring some anti-itch cream (Venice has lots of mosquitoes!) don't take anything with you to Italy that you could not bear to throw out (eg Great-Grandma's heirloom wedding dress).
Hi Cindi, We have been all over Italy four times now and have never had an issue with bed bugs. Relax......and enjoy.
The problem with the whole bed bug thing is,, a hotel could be clear of the last week, but then infected today because joe schmo showed up carrying them in HIS luggage. Its one of those things. Its not unique to Europe, I was reading about a restaurant in Waikiki that had its upholstered banquet seats bed bug infested.. its everywhere. Being paranoid just makes a person stressed and stress can compromise your immune system. Check bedding and mattress when you check in.
Do not put or leave suitcase on bed or couch, leave it on desk, dresser top or luggage rack.
ROBERTO - please tell me you're simply joking and making a reference to "Fried Green Tomatoes" with the "secret's in the sauce " reference! I recently had some amazing gnocchi in Florence, and I'm hoping not to have to go rodent-hunting to try to duplicate the recipe! ;)) CINDI - this plastic luggage wrap is sold for a number of reasons. I wouldn't worry about bed bugs. To qualm the fears, just check your mattresses right as you check in your room. It's sad to hear of the complications of the past year for you, and I'm so happy that you are taking this trip ti Italy!! Life is full of miracles, and to keep planning and expecting wonderful things, well, many physicians, and the field of quantum physics now say, this attitude and expectation of well-being, could very well create it! Go have a great time! I work in the vacation sales industry in Hawaii. I have seen some seriously remarkable stories once people commit to vacation- I've literally watched it transform lives, health, happiness and all. All these people did was commit to vacation, and follow through (along with medical assistance needed), but they've said the same thing, "having this to look forward to not only keeps me going, it makes me stronger!"
Have a blast!!
Cat, Thank you so very much for your kind, thoughtful words. (BTW, being a cat lover, I LOVE your name). How wonderful it must be to live in Hawaii. I love history, so feel very fortunate to live in Virginia where so much of our nation's history started. All the way from the settlements at Jamestown to the battles that took place at Yorktown and all the civil war battles that took place here, including the first battle of the civil war at Manassas. Then I have Washington, DC just 25 miles away. Arlington, Alexandria, Fredricksburg, all here. I love it. Travel DOES rejuvenate me and I'm doing everything I can to build my strength and endurance for the very anticipated trip.
My gratitude to all for your comments and feedback.
My husband and I have traveled in Italy 4 times and going back again in September. Out of all the beds we have slept in, we never saw one bug or got one bite. Relax and enjoy. And no I have never covered my luggage with plastic.